; Maschito, Church of Our Lady of Caroseno, sec. XVI
photo of Antonio helmets, we thank the author
scholar Joseph Nolen, has published a ' interesting article titled: Byzantine Iconography Male: The Madonna of Caroseno ., In Art, multiverse, a monthly magazine with national circulation, A. V, No. Jan. 1. 2009, pp. 11-14. Even Greeks (Av) arbereshe common in Campania, has preserved the ancient cult of Our Lady of Caroseno, Albanians Greeks and males share the same roots, the same linguistic family.
the hopes a partnership between the two communities, I thank the author for the paper.
for further details:
Costumes female arbëreshë performed for Vallje
Main article: Language arbëreshë .
sign bilingual Maschito
G. photo Caputi, Arch Basileus
for further details:
them Arbëreshë (pronounced [ar'bəreʃ]), or even Arbereschi are population and the ethnic Albanian that lives in ' southern Italy. They settled in Italy between XV and XVIII century , following the death of the Albanian national hero Skanderbeg Giorgio Castriota and the gradual conquest of ' Albania and all the ' Byzantine Empire by the Turks [2] . Over the centuries the arbëreshë have managed to maintain and develop their identities greek-Albanian, thanks to their stubbornness and the cultural value of exercised the two religious communities of the Eastern Rite Catholics, based in Calabria, the "College Corsini" (1732) and then "Corsini-Sant'Adriano" in 1794, and in Sicily "greek-Albanian Seminary of Palermo" (1735) then transferred Piana degli Albanesi in 1945. [3] [4]
Most of the fifty [5] arbëreshë communities still preserve the Byzantine rite greek . They belong to two eparchies : to Lungro for Italo-Albanians of southern Italy, and that of Piana degli Albanesi for Italo-Albanians of Sicily. [6]
to define their "nation" sparse use the term Arberia [7] .
1. Countries
2. History
3. Language
4. Religion
5. Arbëreshë famous characters
6. Notes
7. Bibliography
8. References
9. Other projects
10. External links
1. Countries
2. History
3. Language
4. Religion
5. Arbëreshë famous characters
6. Notes
7. Bibliography
8. References
9. Other projects
10. External links
Arbëreshë | |
| |
Place of origin | |
Total population 80,000 to 250,000 | |
Language | arbërisht Italian |
Religion | Byzantine Catholic Catholic (Latin Rite) |
Distribution | |
| 80000-250000 [1] |
- |
1. Countries
arbëreshë countries have dual nomenclature, in Italian and Albanian: this is the one with which the inhabitants know the place. Arbëreshë communities are divided into numerous ethnic islands corresponding to different areas of central-southern Sicily. However, some countries have already lost the habits and customs Albanians, as well as the language, while others have totally disappeared. Today in Italy there are 52 communities of origin and culture greek-Albanian, distributed from Abruzzo to Sicily, for a total of about 100,000 population. [8] [9] survive some cultural islands in the metropolitan areas of Milan, Turin, Rome, Naples, Bari, Cosenza, Crotone and Palermo. In the rest of the world, following the migrations of the twentieth century in countries such as Canada, Argentina, Brazil and the United States, there are strong communities that maintain the traditions [10] .
2. History
Before the conquest of 'the Ottoman Empire [11] , all Albanians were identified with the name of Arbëreshë , and were called Albane or Arber. Following the Turkish invasion, many Albanians, not to change their Christian faith in Muslim and to escape the yoke of the Ottoman Empire, came to Italy [12] [13] . Since then, continued to identify with the term Arbëreshë, unlike those of Albania, who took the name of Shqiptarëve (compare the word Albanian Shqip , in the name of the country and local language).
The Arbëreshë once distributed among the ' Epirus, the mountains of Pindus and many rooms in Morea, Greece today, are descendants of the population proto- Albanian scattered all southwestern Balkans (see Arvanitia ). Among the ' XI and XIV century certain arbëreshë, with great skills in the military, they moved in small groups toward the southern part of Greece ( Corinth, Peloponnese and Attica ) founding colonies [13] . Meanwhile, their bravery had made them become mercenaries favorite Serbs, the Frankish , the Aragonese , the Italian maritime republics and the same Byzantines. [14] In
XV century there was the invasion of Greece by the Ottoman Turks, the Albanian resistance is Albanian League was organized in or League of Lezhë that was owned by Gjergj Kastrioti Kruja, better known as Skanderbeg . During this period, in 1448, King Alfonso V of Aragon , known as the Magnanimous, king of the kingdom of Naples and the kingdom of Sicily, sought help from Kastrioti, who was his ally , to crush the conspiracy of the barons . The reward for this was the land in the province of Catanzaro ; Arbëreshë many took the opportunity to emigrate to this land, during the advance of the Ottomans, while others emigrated to the islands under the control of Venice . [14] At the same time, other forces intervened in Arbëreshë Sicily, founding Piana degli Albanesi [2] .
During the war of succession of Naples, following the death of Alfonso of Aragon, the rightful heir to Ferdinand of Aragon called Arbëreshë forces against the Franco-Italian armies [15] and Skanderbeg landed in 1461 in Apulia [16] . After some successes, the Arbëresh accepted in exchange for lands on the ground, while Skanderbeg returned to reorganize the Albanian resistance against the Turks who had occupied Albania, he died a natural death in 1468 , but his troops still fight for a decade [17] [18] . Arbëreshë part of the population migrated to southern Italy, where the King of Naples and the King of Sicily offered them other villages in Puglia , Calabria, Campania , Sicily and Molise . [10]
Costumes female arbëreshë performed for Vallje
The last wave of migration to some sources, only a fifth migration [13] , occurred between 1500 and 1534. Used as mercenaries by Republic of Venice, had to evacuate the Arbëresh the colonies of the Peloponnese with the help of the troops of Charles V , yet because of the Turkish presence. Charles V, these soldiers settled in southern Italy, to strengthen its defenses against the threat of the Ottomans. Settled in isolated villages (which enabled them to maintain their culture until the twentieth century ), traditionally the Arbëresh became soldiers of the Kingdom of Naples, the Kingdom of Sicily and the Republic of Venice, the wars of religion until the 'Napoleon's invasion. [19]
L ' wave of immigration from southern Italy to the America in the years between 1900 and 1910 caused almost a halving of the population of the villages arbëreshë and has placed the population at risk of cultural disappearance, despite the recent appreciation .
3. Language
sign bilingual Maschito
There is no official structure political, cultural and administrative arbëreshë represents the community. It should be noted the role of institutional coordination done over the years by individual provinces in the south Italian with the presence arbëreshë, primarily those of the Province of Cosenza and Palermo, which have established special Department of Linguistic Minorities. [20]
arbërisht The language, or language arbëreshë (also known in some circles "arberesco") is a variant of ' Albanian south, mixed with the greek. Recently, it has dramatically affected by Italian vocabulary and local dialects, and for this a few years is fully recognized as a "language minority" within local administrations and schools of the obligation [20] [21] . The regional statutes of Molise, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily refer to the language and tradition greek-Albanian, yet continue to feel the Arbëresh its cultural survival threatened. [20]
4. Religion
M. Thanks to the Albanian Spezzano
M. Thanks to the Albanian Spezzano
After 1468, the year of death of Scanderbeg and beginning of the defeat of Albania, there was a great migration that has led many Albanians to settle in the Kingdom of Naples in the Kingdom of Sicily [13] . These people came mostly from Epirus, the whole southern part of Albania and the Morea, therefore, as part of ' Byzantine Empire, the Christian faith under the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. For some time after their arrival, the greek-Albanian were assigned to the Metropolitan of Agrigento, appointed by the Archbishop of Ohrid , with the consent of the Pope after the Council of Trent Albanian communities were placed under the jurisdiction of the Latin bishops of the place, leading, thus, a progressive impoverishment of the Byzantine tradition. It was during these years that many Italian-Albanians were forced to abandon the rite greek . [4] [22]
order to preserve their religious tradition, the Catholic Church, driven by the community arbëreshë, decided to create institutions for the education of young greek rite. In 1732 Pope Clement XII erected the Seminar Ullano San Benedetto, and in 1734 the seminary greek-Albanian for Palermo Sicilian- Albanians. In 1735 the Pope appoint bishops payers, with the task of forming the seminary, to the sacred orders and administering the sacraments. For a long time, this situation remained unchanged and the Albanian communities have often expressed at Rome's request to have its own bishops with full authority. It was Benedict XV to fulfill their demands in creating a 1919 ' Eparchy (Diocese) to the Italian peninsula arbëreshë based Lungro ( Eparchy of Lungro ), detaching from the dioceses of the Latin rite parishes that still retain the rite greek. [4] [22] Soon after, subsequently in 1937 Pope Pius XI instituted the ' Eparchy of Piana for the faithful arbëreshë of Byzantine rite greek of Sicily, also civilly recognized by the Italian State.
5. Arbëreshë famous characters
- Carmine Abate
- Pasquale Baffi
- Mario Brunetti
- Francesco Crispi
- Enrico Cuccia
- Domenico Luigi Damis
- Jura
- Antonio Gramsci, he called himself a "native" Italo-Albanian [ citation ]
- Joseph Gangale
- Benito Jacovitti
- Ercole Lupinacci
- Luke Matranga (1567 - 1619), the first writer nell'albanese Toska
- Mario Mazzuca
- Domenico Mauro
- Lluka Perrone
- Stefano Rodota
- Ernesto Sabato
- Zef Schirò May
6. Notes
- Source: Ethnologue . Retrieved April 12, 2010
- ^ History and Culture> General History (pop-up) . www.pianalbanesi.it. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- Archimandita Eleuterio F. Fortino. The Pontifical College of the Albanians of Calabria Corsini. www.jemi.it, May 30, 2008. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- ^ The religious rite of Arbëreshë . www.arbitalia.it. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- Pasquale De Marco. Arbëreshë in Cosenza than 27 communities. New Sibaritide online newspaper
- The Italo-Albanian Church: general . www.jemi.it. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- See, for example, Marina Mazzoni. port of Otranto: Meetings of the sea, places and cultures . www.terrelibere.org, June 2000. Retrieved April 21, 2010 . and Nicola Scalici. memory arbereshe in Carmine Abate. "The mirror of the Charter," University of Palermo. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- The Arbereshe in Italy (today) . www.vecchiosito.vatrarberesh.it. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- Camilla Tomsic. Synopsis of "Winegrowers Pollino - Integrated Plan for the Sector" . RAI. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- ^ To see the complete list of villages. Community Albanians' s Italy. www.arbitalia.it. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- In 1478 the Kingdom of Albania became part of the Ottoman Empire. See Albania: history . www.incontrofraipopoli.it. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- For some, this is the third Albanian migration.
- ^ The migration of Arbereshe . www.arbitalia.it. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- ^ George Nicholas Nasse, The Italo-Albanian villages of southern Italy , National Academies, 1964, pp. 24-25. (Google books )
- the death of Alfonso I of Aragon the rightful heir to the throne was Ferdinand of Aragon, but other principles plotted to impose John Duke of Anjou . Giorgio Castriota Skanderbeg, friend of the late Alfonso I of Aragon, was naturally called upon to defend even Ferdinand. See History . www.greci.org. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- History. vaccarizzoalbanese.asmenet.it. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- Noli, Fan S., George Castriota Scanderbeg, New York, 1947 Logoreci, Anton: The Albanians, London, 1977, cit. in Gjergj Kastrioti Scanderbeg www.albanur.net up.
- Scanderbeg is considered a hero. The main streets of many countries are called arbëreshë Via Giorgio Castriota Scanderbeg in honor of.
- Vincenzo Jura. Notes on the Albanians of Italy in noon. Italian Society of Historical Demography - University of Udine. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
- ^ The heteroglossia arbëreshë: Albanian standard and local varieties. www.arbitalia.it. Retrieved April 21, 2010 . (PDF)
- arbëreshë The minority has been recognized by the Italian State under the Framework Law No 482 of 15.12.1999.
- ^ Archimandrite Evanghelos Yfantidis. The Italo-Albanian Church> History . www.jemi.it, November 9, 2007. Retrieved April 21, 2010 .
7. Bibliography
- Vincenzo Dorsa, On Albanians research and thoughts , Naples, 1847 (downloaded from the Google books site ).
- Enrico Ferraro, arberesca Bibliography (available on the website World Arberesco ).
8. References
9. Other projects
Wikimedia Commons has media related Arbëreshë
10. External links
- Arbëreshë on Open Directory Project ( Report DMoz on a relevant link to the "Arbëreshë)
- Piana degli Albanesi
- Arbitalia
- World Arberesco
- Jemi.it
SOURCE: http://wapedia.mobi/it/Arbëreshë
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