Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Meniscus Surgery Stories
Romeo and Juliet between Palestine and Israel
The story of two boys separated before the honeymoon, right after the wedding
George 33 years ago, the computer programmer and returned to Jerusalem a few months ago after living 15 years in Italy, which is now also a citizen.
Laila's husband, which led to the altar on January 16 last year in Bethlehem. After the "Yes" more important than their life, they would have had to leave three days later to Istanbul. Even the most natural act in the world but in this land can never be taken for granted and were "separate " just before the honeymoon. But let's get the facts.
George, although it has an Italian passport and the reputation of being a really nice guy, has only one blemish in his resume: the Palestinian origin. All those who have had the "misfortune" to be born into the wall can not in any way to cross the threshold of Israel. So what? "I booked the flight from Amman, Jordan , and Laila, who is Arab-Israeli, and start from there. Not even thinking about to make her come to Amman, "he says. And so the newlyweds soon joined split. In a hurry to change the ticket, or risk having to prolong his stay in Bethlehem.
[HONEYMOON IN THREE ... with mother in law]
addition to the damage, a hoax. "That night I went to sleep from my parents. Just when you were rid of me I have seen it slip back into the house. "
smiles, in his words there is still desire to laugh about. "George has instead stayed there alone in a hotel in Amman." Then the day after finally airborne. She by Tel Aviv and he Jordan. To meet again in the town where, says Laila, "to see it stops the heart." And where they stopped for five days of these well-deserved honeymoon. Taken into account, at some point it stops, sees George approaching toward us. They get to play, do not understand how something so trivial could provoke much interest. Ultimately, you are married and that's enough. I'm happy. The real problems arise now. "The nationality of the children, the issue of permits to travel, the request to be submitted to Israel for the unification of the family ...." Steps that require a struggle against the tangled bureaucratic procedures. Many, too many uncertainties, but a very clear desire on the future "Having a family, children, the serenity."
George 33 years ago, the computer programmer and returned to Jerusalem a few months ago after living 15 years in Italy, which is now also a citizen.
Laila's husband, which led to the altar on January 16 last year in Bethlehem. After the "Yes" more important than their life, they would have had to leave three days later to Istanbul. Even the most natural act in the world but in this land can never be taken for granted and were "separate " just before the honeymoon. But let's get the facts.
George, although it has an Italian passport and the reputation of being a really nice guy, has only one blemish in his resume: the Palestinian origin. All those who have had the "misfortune" to be born into the wall can not in any way to cross the threshold of Israel. So what? "I booked the flight from Amman, Jordan , and Laila, who is Arab-Israeli, and start from there. Not even thinking about to make her come to Amman, "he says. And so the newlyweds soon joined split. In a hurry to change the ticket, or risk having to prolong his stay in Bethlehem.
[HONEYMOON IN THREE ... with mother in law]
addition to the damage, a hoax. "That night I went to sleep from my parents. Just when you were rid of me I have seen it slip back into the house. "
smiles, in his words there is still desire to laugh about. "George has instead stayed there alone in a hotel in Amman." Then the day after finally airborne. She by Tel Aviv and he Jordan. To meet again in the town where, says Laila, "to see it stops the heart." And where they stopped for five days of these well-deserved honeymoon. Taken into account, at some point it stops, sees George approaching toward us. They get to play, do not understand how something so trivial could provoke much interest. Ultimately, you are married and that's enough. I'm happy. The real problems arise now. "The nationality of the children, the issue of permits to travel, the request to be submitted to Israel for the unification of the family ...." Steps that require a struggle against the tangled bureaucratic procedures. Many, too many uncertainties, but a very clear desire on the future "Having a family, children, the serenity."
Meniscus Surgery Stories
Romeo and Juliet between Palestine and Israel
The story of two boys separated before the honeymoon, right after the wedding
George 33 years ago, the computer programmer and returned to Jerusalem a few months ago after living 15 years in Italy, which is now also a citizen.
Laila's husband, which led to the altar on January 16 last year in Bethlehem. After the "Yes" more important than their life, they would have had to leave three days later to Istanbul. Even the most natural act in the world but in this land can never be taken for granted and were "separate " just before the honeymoon. But let's get the facts.
George, although it has an Italian passport and the reputation of being a really nice guy, has only one blemish in his resume: the Palestinian origin. All those who have had the "misfortune" to be born into the wall can not in any way to cross the threshold of Israel. So what? "I booked the flight from Amman, Jordan , and Laila, who is Arab-Israeli, and start from there. Not even thinking about to make her come to Amman, "he says. And so the newlyweds soon joined split. In a hurry to change the ticket, or risk having to prolong his stay in Bethlehem.
[HONEYMOON IN THREE ... with mother in law]
addition to the damage, a hoax. "That night I went to sleep from my parents. Just when you were rid of me I have seen it slip back into the house. "
smiles, in his words there is still desire to laugh about. "George has instead stayed there alone in a hotel in Amman." Then the day after finally airborne. She by Tel Aviv and he Jordan. To meet again in the town where, says Laila, "to see it stops the heart." And where they stopped for five days of these well-deserved honeymoon. Taken into account, at some point it stops, sees George approaching toward us. They get to play, do not understand how something so trivial could provoke much interest. Ultimately, you are married and that's enough. I'm happy. The real problems arise now. "The nationality of the children, the issue of permits to travel, the request to be submitted to Israel for the unification of the family ...." Steps that require a struggle against the tangled bureaucratic procedures. Many, too many uncertainties, but a very clear desire on the future "Having a family, children, the serenity."
George 33 years ago, the computer programmer and returned to Jerusalem a few months ago after living 15 years in Italy, which is now also a citizen.
Laila's husband, which led to the altar on January 16 last year in Bethlehem. After the "Yes" more important than their life, they would have had to leave three days later to Istanbul. Even the most natural act in the world but in this land can never be taken for granted and were "separate " just before the honeymoon. But let's get the facts.
George, although it has an Italian passport and the reputation of being a really nice guy, has only one blemish in his resume: the Palestinian origin. All those who have had the "misfortune" to be born into the wall can not in any way to cross the threshold of Israel. So what? "I booked the flight from Amman, Jordan , and Laila, who is Arab-Israeli, and start from there. Not even thinking about to make her come to Amman, "he says. And so the newlyweds soon joined split. In a hurry to change the ticket, or risk having to prolong his stay in Bethlehem.
[HONEYMOON IN THREE ... with mother in law]
addition to the damage, a hoax. "That night I went to sleep from my parents. Just when you were rid of me I have seen it slip back into the house. "
smiles, in his words there is still desire to laugh about. "George has instead stayed there alone in a hotel in Amman." Then the day after finally airborne. She by Tel Aviv and he Jordan. To meet again in the town where, says Laila, "to see it stops the heart." And where they stopped for five days of these well-deserved honeymoon. Taken into account, at some point it stops, sees George approaching toward us. They get to play, do not understand how something so trivial could provoke much interest. Ultimately, you are married and that's enough. I'm happy. The real problems arise now. "The nationality of the children, the issue of permits to travel, the request to be submitted to Israel for the unification of the family ...." Steps that require a struggle against the tangled bureaucratic procedures. Many, too many uncertainties, but a very clear desire on the future "Having a family, children, the serenity."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Stila Lip Glaze Stick Peach Swatch
The two-day Naples
"We do not need interpreters to understand each other because we speak the same language, the language police." With these words, the Chief of Police Antonio Manganelli wanted to finish his opening speech of the Euro-African Conference, held in Naples on 8 and 9 February.
Two days in the shadow of Vesuvius, which was attended by delegates of the police in 68 countries (almost 300 participants between European and African) and 11 international organizations, all gathered with one purpose: to strengthen cooperation between law enforcement bodies of the two continents.
It was a unique opportunity for comparison between two worlds apparently distant, but deeply united in the common challenge that endangers their safety.
A journey that began long ago, from that in September last year when the Chief of Police and the Secretary General of Interpol Ronald Noble, decided in a meeting in Brussels, to meet in a conference that would put sitting around the European and African countries the same table.
Forty-eight hours, then, may seem little to address problems Fundamental affecting an area as vast as that of Africa and, inevitably, have a bearing on the Old Continent, but they are just a starting point.
A conference, therefore, not an end in itself, as pointed out repeatedly Manganelli, a meeting not only made of words and good intentions for the future, but of facts. And this demonstration of the presence of delegations from African countries, 44 (out of 53) and 24 other countries (Europe at all) to discuss issues affecting the African continent and that have an impact on the rest of the globe . Illegal immigration, human trafficking, drug trafficking and terrorism were the topics on which they rotate the two-day Naples.
From here, you might say, nothing new compared to a regular meeting on international security, but it is not. After a first day in which the various speakers took turns on stage for the conference room of Hotel Royal Continental Naples, and in which they were exposed to the "good intentions", the second day marked the real news of conferences of this kind: the establishment of four tables of discussion under the auspices of the Italian presidency on the topics listed above and which was attended by delegates from the African police, along with European, Asian and American.
Four tables, therefore, that do not cover their operation at the end of the summit closing the work simply by drawing up a final report full of good intentions, but four real standing committees that will meet several times in the coming months to take stock of the situation on the issues addressed.
"The phenomena that we deal in this conference - has continued Manganelli - offend our country and only by acting together can be contained or even eradicated. They are often intertwined and often favored internal political and social instability, poverty and despair. " Highly relevant topic addressed by the Chief of Police, in the light recent events that are shaking the North Africa and in the first half of February, brought back to the landing of thousands of illegal immigrants on our shores.
"We think - said Manganelli - to police what we can do. You need a strong joint action to make our stay together the added value of our struggle. " And in this respect Italy, in fact, has signed important bilateral agreements with other nations. The last was during the days of the Naples summit with South Africa, Djibouti and Sudan to deal with the criminality of illegal immigration. "In implementing these agreements - said the chief of police - every time we have identified five objectives that I believe are of primary importance: the timely exchange of information, the initiation of joint investigations, the provision of training courses for professionals in different fields of action, the 'technical assistance with the provision of resources and the mutual exchange of officials. A partnership in which other organisms are also essential as in the case of migration of Frontex (European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union, ed).
Collaboration is therefore the watchword, the fundamental principle because widely divergent continents may find common ground in the fight common phenomena that lead to social unrest, such as terrorism. "At the moment - said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni - the new threat is the so-called" franchise terrorism ", namely the one made by people who are no longer trained in the camps of Al Qaeda, but who live in our countries and that often, they do have citizenship. " The homegrown terrorist, terrorists do-it-yourself, are not directly linked to international terror network, but are capable of self-employment. They are also the most dangerous, because more difficult to detect and thus be neutralized. Internet rushes to their aid, which are documented on the principles of religious fundamentalism and which are the "instructions &rdqquo; for their actions. And the "Cyberspace as a new platform for radicalization: comparing experiences" was the topic of the table dedicated to supporting international terrorism summit in Naples. "Internet - said the police chief - protect the anonymity makes it easier contact between the cell belonging to subversive and, having no physical and geographical borders in cyberspace, makes investigations more difficult." Important agreements have been reached in this area, On the sidelines of the conference, among the countries and organizations attended the round table (including NCIS, the U.S. Naval Investigative Service), focusing on building synergistic relationships in the field of monitoring
But Net including drug trafficking and the even more odious human beings, were among the topics which have driven the summit in Naples.
Drug traffickers, after the strengthening of controls in the North-West Africa, have opened new ways, thanks to the particular topography of the coast of Africa, for their shape, are difficult to control. The table was dedicated to drug trafficking analyzed in depth the phenomenon, especially in light of predictions about the "new ways" of drugs such as cocaine, which is dedicated to the opening in the southern region of the continent or the Horn of Africa and countries bordering the Indian Ocean with regard to heroin, and yet has identified Africa as the future epicenter for the production of synthetic drugs. Heroin, cocaine, pills all for the European market. Encourage the creation of an information flow that can give a thorough and updated knowledge of the situation, try to standardize systems and languages \u200b\u200bof communication, joint planning project activities and seek to harmonize the standards are main points on which they are found by mutual agreement of the participants.
But another kind of traffic which is unfortunately a sad reality is that human beings, "new slaves" of our century. "I have now tried - said Antonio Manganelli - Contacts between our criminal organizations and those of Turkey, Greece, Egypt and cells of other countries. We have shared our knowledge and we are fighting the problem through bilateral agreements. This is the way forward. " And on these subjects were compared to countries that took part in the roundtable discussion on the phenomenon, and concluded to make "permanent" table, giving himself an appointment in six months with a new date to take stock delllla situation.
Drug trafficking, illegal immigration and new slaves are all phenomena in the hands of the transnational organized crime, said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, "is the new enemy to fight polluting economies and institutions and erodes democracy . Weak states are more prone to infiltration of this crime, which uses them as a basis for its activities and influences them, or threatening to do so, using systematic corruption and violence. Not to mention that now have proven the synergies between terrorism and transnational organized crime. " And to confirm the words of the minister, adding also that of the Chief of Police: "The true goal is to attack the wealth of criminal organizations to impoverish. We must take back what they have stolen and that, through drug dealing, has cost the lives of many of our children. "
So a real struggle without borders that is waiting for the future of African and European police forces, often aided by an uneven legislation from State to State. "Talking about the harmonization of these laws - noted Manganelli - is equivalent to an academic exercise with good intentions. We all know that you can not get a single law between countries that have traditions, cultures, goals and principles are not always common. This should be our effort, dialogue and work together by harmonizing that is not reconcilable, we must compensate with our technical teams, speaking the same language, with the desire to achieve the same goal, along with reading what our laws, do not read the same way. "
A common objective of the Conference of Naples is only the starting point.
The long road to Euro-African
Naples Royal Continental Hotel. It is here that there are almost all African countries' police chiefs sitting next to their colleagues Europe, representatives of EU institutions and major international organizations working for global security. The main objective the fight against illegal immigration and trafficking of human beings who, as pointed out by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni during the presentation of the project Across Sahara II (designed to develop regional cooperation and institutional capacity in border management and immigration, pictured below left), require a global response: "You have to understand, and make it clear that the era of globalization, the migration issue is a problem in the countries of Northern Europe no less than it is qi for Italy or Greece. That is the size of the challenge requires a global response in terms of shared responsibility between European countries and cooperation with countries of origin and transit, cooperation in multilateral and international organizations, even on the side of development programs and stabilization. How and by what, in the near future, we will put into practice their commitment to strengthening the capacity of third countries to control illegal immigration flows will depend in large part the welfare of our society, the integration of immigrants in them regular and, more generally, the safety of our citizens and those who welcome. " And to think Some African countries represented here have bilateral agreements on security only with our country within the EU. Others, however, are not on good terms with each other. For this reason it was difficult to have them all around the same table, this was important. The idea was announced by the Chief of Police at the Symposium Eu - Interpol (pictured below right), designed to take stock of the cooperation between European police forces and those of West African countries held in Brussels on 30 September. Organize a conference, the euro-African, in Italy, to reach the establishment of permanent working groups called to plan and execute concrete operational initiatives of African and European police forces to combat criminal organizations that exploit the "new slaves" and carry out joint police operations to prevent the phenomenon. During the meeting, the prefect Manganelli proposed Italy as the leader of the Europe-Africa partnership of police in combating terrorism, trafficking and trafficking in human beings. We have come a long way to achieve this goal. A road made of notes: political, operational, bilateral and multilateral agreements. As the one signed with Nigeria and coordinated by Interpol (pictured right), to deal with illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings, which has led some Nigerian police, after training, to work shoulder to shoulder with the Italian colleagues in international airports, ports, and in some cities. Or the one signed with Algeria, which is also to strengthen cooperation on immigration, which has allowed us to significantly increase the exchange of information and experience between the Algerian and Italian police. Among the most important agreements are referred to those made with the aim to counter, already at their source, the flow of illegal immigration to Italy, the agreements with the GhanGhana and Niger. As explained by the Interior Minister: "We have excellent bilateral agreements with Mediterranean countries Africa, in the range from Morocco to Egypt, but they tend to be transit countries of illegal flows that actually originate from the states south of the Sahara. That's why we want to expand the security zone in that area not only with regard to immigration, but also to combat terrorism and drug trafficking. " L 'importance of these arrangements has been highlighted by the prefect Manganelli: "We are making agreements with all countries in the area. These countries "producers" and we want to combat these illegal flows. It is also a way to fight terrorism because countries Islamized know there is the phenomenon of fanaticism the danger that illegal immigration can be a vehicle for entry into Italy of terrorists. " Achieving the right balance between politics of reception and integration on the one hand and strict policy towards illegal immigration, which often feeds other forms of crime. This is a difficult test in front of which all European countries will compete.
Mauro Valeri
The two-day Naples
two continents united by one purpose: to counter this phenomenon, common criminals who endanger the safety. This is the main theme of the first conference which see Europe and Africa compared

Two days in the shadow of Vesuvius, which was attended by delegates of the police in 68 countries (almost 300 participants between European and African) and 11 international organizations, all gathered with one purpose: to strengthen cooperation between law enforcement bodies of the two continents.
It was a unique opportunity for comparison between two worlds apparently distant, but deeply united in the common challenge that endangers their safety.
A journey that began long ago, from that in September last year when the Chief of Police and the Secretary General of Interpol Ronald Noble, decided in a meeting in Brussels, to meet in a conference that would put sitting around the European and African countries the same table.
Forty-eight hours, then, may seem little to address problems Fundamental affecting an area as vast as that of Africa and, inevitably, have a bearing on the Old Continent, but they are just a starting point.
A conference, therefore, not an end in itself, as pointed out repeatedly Manganelli, a meeting not only made of words and good intentions for the future, but of facts. And this demonstration of the presence of delegations from African countries, 44 (out of 53) and 24 other countries (Europe at all) to discuss issues affecting the African continent and that have an impact on the rest of the globe . Illegal immigration, human trafficking, drug trafficking and terrorism were the topics on which they rotate the two-day Naples.
From here, you might say, nothing new compared to a regular meeting on international security, but it is not. After a first day in which the various speakers took turns on stage for the conference room of Hotel Royal Continental Naples, and in which they were exposed to the "good intentions", the second day marked the real news of conferences of this kind: the establishment of four tables of discussion under the auspices of the Italian presidency on the topics listed above and which was attended by delegates from the African police, along with European, Asian and American.
Four tables, therefore, that do not cover their operation at the end of the summit closing the work simply by drawing up a final report full of good intentions, but four real standing committees that will meet several times in the coming months to take stock of the situation on the issues addressed.
"The phenomena that we deal in this conference - has continued Manganelli - offend our country and only by acting together can be contained or even eradicated. They are often intertwined and often favored internal political and social instability, poverty and despair. " Highly relevant topic addressed by the Chief of Police, in the light recent events that are shaking the North Africa and in the first half of February, brought back to the landing of thousands of illegal immigrants on our shores.
"We think - said Manganelli - to police what we can do. You need a strong joint action to make our stay together the added value of our struggle. " And in this respect Italy, in fact, has signed important bilateral agreements with other nations. The last was during the days of the Naples summit with South Africa, Djibouti and Sudan to deal with the criminality of illegal immigration. "In implementing these agreements - said the chief of police - every time we have identified five objectives that I believe are of primary importance: the timely exchange of information, the initiation of joint investigations, the provision of training courses for professionals in different fields of action, the 'technical assistance with the provision of resources and the mutual exchange of officials. A partnership in which other organisms are also essential as in the case of migration of Frontex (European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union, ed).
Collaboration is therefore the watchword, the fundamental principle because widely divergent continents may find common ground in the fight common phenomena that lead to social unrest, such as terrorism. "At the moment - said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni - the new threat is the so-called" franchise terrorism ", namely the one made by people who are no longer trained in the camps of Al Qaeda, but who live in our countries and that often, they do have citizenship. " The homegrown terrorist, terrorists do-it-yourself, are not directly linked to international terror network, but are capable of self-employment. They are also the most dangerous, because more difficult to detect and thus be neutralized. Internet rushes to their aid, which are documented on the principles of religious fundamentalism and which are the "instructions &rdqquo; for their actions. And the "Cyberspace as a new platform for radicalization: comparing experiences" was the topic of the table dedicated to supporting international terrorism summit in Naples. "Internet - said the police chief - protect the anonymity makes it easier contact between the cell belonging to subversive and, having no physical and geographical borders in cyberspace, makes investigations more difficult." Important agreements have been reached in this area, On the sidelines of the conference, among the countries and organizations attended the round table (including NCIS, the U.S. Naval Investigative Service), focusing on building synergistic relationships in the field of monitoring
But Net including drug trafficking and the even more odious human beings, were among the topics which have driven the summit in Naples.
Drug traffickers, after the strengthening of controls in the North-West Africa, have opened new ways, thanks to the particular topography of the coast of Africa, for their shape, are difficult to control. The table was dedicated to drug trafficking analyzed in depth the phenomenon, especially in light of predictions about the "new ways" of drugs such as cocaine, which is dedicated to the opening in the southern region of the continent or the Horn of Africa and countries bordering the Indian Ocean with regard to heroin, and yet has identified Africa as the future epicenter for the production of synthetic drugs. Heroin, cocaine, pills all for the European market. Encourage the creation of an information flow that can give a thorough and updated knowledge of the situation, try to standardize systems and languages \u200b\u200bof communication, joint planning project activities and seek to harmonize the standards are main points on which they are found by mutual agreement of the participants.
But another kind of traffic which is unfortunately a sad reality is that human beings, "new slaves" of our century. "I have now tried - said Antonio Manganelli - Contacts between our criminal organizations and those of Turkey, Greece, Egypt and cells of other countries. We have shared our knowledge and we are fighting the problem through bilateral agreements. This is the way forward. " And on these subjects were compared to countries that took part in the roundtable discussion on the phenomenon, and concluded to make "permanent" table, giving himself an appointment in six months with a new date to take stock delllla situation.
Drug trafficking, illegal immigration and new slaves are all phenomena in the hands of the transnational organized crime, said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, "is the new enemy to fight polluting economies and institutions and erodes democracy . Weak states are more prone to infiltration of this crime, which uses them as a basis for its activities and influences them, or threatening to do so, using systematic corruption and violence. Not to mention that now have proven the synergies between terrorism and transnational organized crime. " And to confirm the words of the minister, adding also that of the Chief of Police: "The true goal is to attack the wealth of criminal organizations to impoverish. We must take back what they have stolen and that, through drug dealing, has cost the lives of many of our children. "
So a real struggle without borders that is waiting for the future of African and European police forces, often aided by an uneven legislation from State to State. "Talking about the harmonization of these laws - noted Manganelli - is equivalent to an academic exercise with good intentions. We all know that you can not get a single law between countries that have traditions, cultures, goals and principles are not always common. This should be our effort, dialogue and work together by harmonizing that is not reconcilable, we must compensate with our technical teams, speaking the same language, with the desire to achieve the same goal, along with reading what our laws, do not read the same way. "
A common objective of the Conference of Naples is only the starting point.
The long road to Euro-African
Naples Royal Continental Hotel. It is here that there are almost all African countries' police chiefs sitting next to their colleagues Europe, representatives of EU institutions and major international organizations working for global security. The main objective the fight against illegal immigration and trafficking of human beings who, as pointed out by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni during the presentation of the project Across Sahara II (designed to develop regional cooperation and institutional capacity in border management and immigration, pictured below left), require a global response: "You have to understand, and make it clear that the era of globalization, the migration issue is a problem in the countries of Northern Europe no less than it is qi for Italy or Greece. That is the size of the challenge requires a global response in terms of shared responsibility between European countries and cooperation with countries of origin and transit, cooperation in multilateral and international organizations, even on the side of development programs and stabilization. How and by what, in the near future, we will put into practice their commitment to strengthening the capacity of third countries to control illegal immigration flows will depend in large part the welfare of our society, the integration of immigrants in them regular and, more generally, the safety of our citizens and those who welcome. " And to think Some African countries represented here have bilateral agreements on security only with our country within the EU. Others, however, are not on good terms with each other. For this reason it was difficult to have them all around the same table, this was important. The idea was announced by the Chief of Police at the Symposium Eu - Interpol (pictured below right), designed to take stock of the cooperation between European police forces and those of West African countries held in Brussels on 30 September. Organize a conference, the euro-African, in Italy, to reach the establishment of permanent working groups called to plan and execute concrete operational initiatives of African and European police forces to combat criminal organizations that exploit the "new slaves" and carry out joint police operations to prevent the phenomenon. During the meeting, the prefect Manganelli proposed Italy as the leader of the Europe-Africa partnership of police in combating terrorism, trafficking and trafficking in human beings. We have come a long way to achieve this goal. A road made of notes: political, operational, bilateral and multilateral agreements. As the one signed with Nigeria and coordinated by Interpol (pictured right), to deal with illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings, which has led some Nigerian police, after training, to work shoulder to shoulder with the Italian colleagues in international airports, ports, and in some cities. Or the one signed with Algeria, which is also to strengthen cooperation on immigration, which has allowed us to significantly increase the exchange of information and experience between the Algerian and Italian police. Among the most important agreements are referred to those made with the aim to counter, already at their source, the flow of illegal immigration to Italy, the agreements with the GhanGhana and Niger. As explained by the Interior Minister: "We have excellent bilateral agreements with Mediterranean countries Africa, in the range from Morocco to Egypt, but they tend to be transit countries of illegal flows that actually originate from the states south of the Sahara. That's why we want to expand the security zone in that area not only with regard to immigration, but also to combat terrorism and drug trafficking. " L 'importance of these arrangements has been highlighted by the prefect Manganelli: "We are making agreements with all countries in the area. These countries "producers" and we want to combat these illegal flows. It is also a way to fight terrorism because countries Islamized know there is the phenomenon of fanaticism the danger that illegal immigration can be a vehicle for entry into Italy of terrorists. " Achieving the right balance between politics of reception and integration on the one hand and strict policy towards illegal immigration, which often feeds other forms of crime. This is a difficult test in front of which all European countries will compete.
Mauro Valeri
Stila Lip Glaze Stick Peach Swatch
The two-day Naples
"We do not need interpreters to understand each other because we speak the same language, the language police." With these words, the Chief of Police Antonio Manganelli wanted to finish his opening speech of the Euro-African Conference, held in Naples on 8 and 9 February.
Two days in the shadow of Vesuvius, which was attended by delegates of the police in 68 countries (almost 300 participants between European and African) and 11 international organizations, all gathered with one purpose: to strengthen cooperation between law enforcement bodies of the two continents.
It was a unique opportunity for comparison between two worlds apparently distant, but deeply united in the common challenge that endangers their safety.
A journey that began long ago, from that in September last year when the Chief of Police and the Secretary General of Interpol Ronald Noble, decided in a meeting in Brussels, to meet in a conference that would put sitting around the European and African countries the same table.
Forty-eight hours, then, may seem little to address problems Fundamental affecting an area as vast as that of Africa and, inevitably, have a bearing on the Old Continent, but they are just a starting point.
A conference, therefore, not an end in itself, as pointed out repeatedly Manganelli, a meeting not only made of words and good intentions for the future, but of facts. And this demonstration of the presence of delegations from African countries, 44 (out of 53) and 24 other countries (Europe at all) to discuss issues affecting the African continent and that have an impact on the rest of the globe . Illegal immigration, human trafficking, drug trafficking and terrorism were the topics on which they rotate the two-day Naples.
From here, you might say, nothing new compared to a regular meeting on international security, but it is not. After a first day in which the various speakers took turns on stage for the conference room of Hotel Royal Continental Naples, and in which they were exposed to the "good intentions", the second day marked the real news of conferences of this kind: the establishment of four tables of discussion under the auspices of the Italian presidency on the topics listed above and which was attended by delegates from the African police, along with European, Asian and American.
Four tables, therefore, that do not cover their operation at the end of the summit closing the work simply by drawing up a final report full of good intentions, but four real standing committees that will meet several times in the coming months to take stock of the situation on the issues addressed.
"The phenomena that we deal in this conference - has continued Manganelli - offend our country and only by acting together can be contained or even eradicated. They are often intertwined and often favored internal political and social instability, poverty and despair. " Highly relevant topic addressed by the Chief of Police, in the light recent events that are shaking the North Africa and in the first half of February, brought back to the landing of thousands of illegal immigrants on our shores.
"We think - said Manganelli - to police what we can do. You need a strong joint action to make our stay together the added value of our struggle. " And in this respect Italy, in fact, has signed important bilateral agreements with other nations. The last was during the days of the Naples summit with South Africa, Djibouti and Sudan to deal with the criminality of illegal immigration. "In implementing these agreements - said the chief of police - every time we have identified five objectives that I believe are of primary importance: the timely exchange of information, the initiation of joint investigations, the provision of training courses for professionals in different fields of action, the 'technical assistance with the provision of resources and the mutual exchange of officials. A partnership in which other organisms are also essential as in the case of migration of Frontex (European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union, ed).
Collaboration is therefore the watchword, the fundamental principle because widely divergent continents may find common ground in the fight common phenomena that lead to social unrest, such as terrorism. "At the moment - said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni - the new threat is the so-called" franchise terrorism ", namely the one made by people who are no longer trained in the camps of Al Qaeda, but who live in our countries and that often, they do have citizenship. " The homegrown terrorist, terrorists do-it-yourself, are not directly linked to international terror network, but are capable of self-employment. They are also the most dangerous, because more difficult to detect and thus be neutralized. Internet rushes to their aid, which are documented on the principles of religious fundamentalism and which are the "instructions &rdqquo; for their actions. And the "Cyberspace as a new platform for radicalization: comparing experiences" was the topic of the table dedicated to supporting international terrorism summit in Naples. "Internet - said the police chief - protect the anonymity makes it easier contact between the cell belonging to subversive and, having no physical and geographical borders in cyberspace, makes investigations more difficult." Important agreements have been reached in this area, On the sidelines of the conference, among the countries and organizations attended the round table (including NCIS, the U.S. Naval Investigative Service), focusing on building synergistic relationships in the field of monitoring
But Net including drug trafficking and the even more odious human beings, were among the topics which have driven the summit in Naples.
Drug traffickers, after the strengthening of controls in the North-West Africa, have opened new ways, thanks to the particular topography of the coast of Africa, for their shape, are difficult to control. The table was dedicated to drug trafficking analyzed in depth the phenomenon, especially in light of predictions about the "new ways" of drugs such as cocaine, which is dedicated to the opening in the southern region of the continent or the Horn of Africa and countries bordering the Indian Ocean with regard to heroin, and yet has identified Africa as the future epicenter for the production of synthetic drugs. Heroin, cocaine, pills all for the European market. Encourage the creation of an information flow that can give a thorough and updated knowledge of the situation, try to standardize systems and languages \u200b\u200bof communication, joint planning project activities and seek to harmonize the standards are main points on which they are found by mutual agreement of the participants.
But another kind of traffic which is unfortunately a sad reality is that human beings, "new slaves" of our century. "I have now tried - said Antonio Manganelli - Contacts between our criminal organizations and those of Turkey, Greece, Egypt and cells of other countries. We have shared our knowledge and we are fighting the problem through bilateral agreements. This is the way forward. " And on these subjects were compared to countries that took part in the roundtable discussion on the phenomenon, and concluded to make "permanent" table, giving himself an appointment in six months with a new date to take stock delllla situation.
Drug trafficking, illegal immigration and new slaves are all phenomena in the hands of the transnational organized crime, said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, "is the new enemy to fight polluting economies and institutions and erodes democracy . Weak states are more prone to infiltration of this crime, which uses them as a basis for its activities and influences them, or threatening to do so, using systematic corruption and violence. Not to mention that now have proven the synergies between terrorism and transnational organized crime. " And to confirm the words of the minister, adding also that of the Chief of Police: "The true goal is to attack the wealth of criminal organizations to impoverish. We must take back what they have stolen and that, through drug dealing, has cost the lives of many of our children. "
So a real struggle without borders that is waiting for the future of African and European police forces, often aided by an uneven legislation from State to State. "Talking about the harmonization of these laws - noted Manganelli - is equivalent to an academic exercise with good intentions. We all know that you can not get a single law between countries that have traditions, cultures, goals and principles are not always common. This should be our effort, dialogue and work together by harmonizing that is not reconcilable, we must compensate with our technical teams, speaking the same language, with the desire to achieve the same goal, along with reading what our laws, do not read the same way. "
A common objective of the Conference of Naples is only the starting point.
The long road to Euro-African
Naples Royal Continental Hotel. It is here that there are almost all African countries' police chiefs sitting next to their colleagues Europe, representatives of EU institutions and major international organizations working for global security. The main objective the fight against illegal immigration and trafficking of human beings who, as pointed out by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni during the presentation of the project Across Sahara II (designed to develop regional cooperation and institutional capacity in border management and immigration, pictured below left), require a global response: "You have to understand, and make it clear that the era of globalization, the migration issue is a problem in the countries of Northern Europe no less than it is qi for Italy or Greece. That is the size of the challenge requires a global response in terms of shared responsibility between European countries and cooperation with countries of origin and transit, cooperation in multilateral and international organizations, even on the side of development programs and stabilization. How and by what, in the near future, we will put into practice their commitment to strengthening the capacity of third countries to control illegal immigration flows will depend in large part the welfare of our society, the integration of immigrants in them regular and, more generally, the safety of our citizens and those who welcome. " And to think Some African countries represented here have bilateral agreements on security only with our country within the EU. Others, however, are not on good terms with each other. For this reason it was difficult to have them all around the same table, this was important. The idea was announced by the Chief of Police at the Symposium Eu - Interpol (pictured below right), designed to take stock of the cooperation between European police forces and those of West African countries held in Brussels on 30 September. Organize a conference, the euro-African, in Italy, to reach the establishment of permanent working groups called to plan and execute concrete operational initiatives of African and European police forces to combat criminal organizations that exploit the "new slaves" and carry out joint police operations to prevent the phenomenon. During the meeting, the prefect Manganelli proposed Italy as the leader of the Europe-Africa partnership of police in combating terrorism, trafficking and trafficking in human beings. We have come a long way to achieve this goal. A road made of notes: political, operational, bilateral and multilateral agreements. As the one signed with Nigeria and coordinated by Interpol (pictured right), to deal with illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings, which has led some Nigerian police, after training, to work shoulder to shoulder with the Italian colleagues in international airports, ports, and in some cities. Or the one signed with Algeria, which is also to strengthen cooperation on immigration, which has allowed us to significantly increase the exchange of information and experience between the Algerian and Italian police. Among the most important agreements are referred to those made with the aim to counter, already at their source, the flow of illegal immigration to Italy, the agreements with the GhanGhana and Niger. As explained by the Interior Minister: "We have excellent bilateral agreements with Mediterranean countries Africa, in the range from Morocco to Egypt, but they tend to be transit countries of illegal flows that actually originate from the states south of the Sahara. That's why we want to expand the security zone in that area not only with regard to immigration, but also to combat terrorism and drug trafficking. " L 'importance of these arrangements has been highlighted by the prefect Manganelli: "We are making agreements with all countries in the area. These countries "producers" and we want to combat these illegal flows. It is also a way to fight terrorism because countries Islamized know there is the phenomenon of fanaticism the danger that illegal immigration can be a vehicle for entry into Italy of terrorists. " Achieving the right balance between politics of reception and integration on the one hand and strict policy towards illegal immigration, which often feeds other forms of crime. This is a difficult test in front of which all European countries will compete.
Mauro Valeri
The two-day Naples
two continents united by one purpose: to counter this phenomenon, common criminals who endanger the safety. This is the main theme of the first conference which see Europe and Africa compared

Two days in the shadow of Vesuvius, which was attended by delegates of the police in 68 countries (almost 300 participants between European and African) and 11 international organizations, all gathered with one purpose: to strengthen cooperation between law enforcement bodies of the two continents.
It was a unique opportunity for comparison between two worlds apparently distant, but deeply united in the common challenge that endangers their safety.
A journey that began long ago, from that in September last year when the Chief of Police and the Secretary General of Interpol Ronald Noble, decided in a meeting in Brussels, to meet in a conference that would put sitting around the European and African countries the same table.
Forty-eight hours, then, may seem little to address problems Fundamental affecting an area as vast as that of Africa and, inevitably, have a bearing on the Old Continent, but they are just a starting point.
A conference, therefore, not an end in itself, as pointed out repeatedly Manganelli, a meeting not only made of words and good intentions for the future, but of facts. And this demonstration of the presence of delegations from African countries, 44 (out of 53) and 24 other countries (Europe at all) to discuss issues affecting the African continent and that have an impact on the rest of the globe . Illegal immigration, human trafficking, drug trafficking and terrorism were the topics on which they rotate the two-day Naples.
From here, you might say, nothing new compared to a regular meeting on international security, but it is not. After a first day in which the various speakers took turns on stage for the conference room of Hotel Royal Continental Naples, and in which they were exposed to the "good intentions", the second day marked the real news of conferences of this kind: the establishment of four tables of discussion under the auspices of the Italian presidency on the topics listed above and which was attended by delegates from the African police, along with European, Asian and American.
Four tables, therefore, that do not cover their operation at the end of the summit closing the work simply by drawing up a final report full of good intentions, but four real standing committees that will meet several times in the coming months to take stock of the situation on the issues addressed.
"The phenomena that we deal in this conference - has continued Manganelli - offend our country and only by acting together can be contained or even eradicated. They are often intertwined and often favored internal political and social instability, poverty and despair. " Highly relevant topic addressed by the Chief of Police, in the light recent events that are shaking the North Africa and in the first half of February, brought back to the landing of thousands of illegal immigrants on our shores.
"We think - said Manganelli - to police what we can do. You need a strong joint action to make our stay together the added value of our struggle. " And in this respect Italy, in fact, has signed important bilateral agreements with other nations. The last was during the days of the Naples summit with South Africa, Djibouti and Sudan to deal with the criminality of illegal immigration. "In implementing these agreements - said the chief of police - every time we have identified five objectives that I believe are of primary importance: the timely exchange of information, the initiation of joint investigations, the provision of training courses for professionals in different fields of action, the 'technical assistance with the provision of resources and the mutual exchange of officials. A partnership in which other organisms are also essential as in the case of migration of Frontex (European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union, ed).
Collaboration is therefore the watchword, the fundamental principle because widely divergent continents may find common ground in the fight common phenomena that lead to social unrest, such as terrorism. "At the moment - said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni - the new threat is the so-called" franchise terrorism ", namely the one made by people who are no longer trained in the camps of Al Qaeda, but who live in our countries and that often, they do have citizenship. " The homegrown terrorist, terrorists do-it-yourself, are not directly linked to international terror network, but are capable of self-employment. They are also the most dangerous, because more difficult to detect and thus be neutralized. Internet rushes to their aid, which are documented on the principles of religious fundamentalism and which are the "instructions &rdqquo; for their actions. And the "Cyberspace as a new platform for radicalization: comparing experiences" was the topic of the table dedicated to supporting international terrorism summit in Naples. "Internet - said the police chief - protect the anonymity makes it easier contact between the cell belonging to subversive and, having no physical and geographical borders in cyberspace, makes investigations more difficult." Important agreements have been reached in this area, On the sidelines of the conference, among the countries and organizations attended the round table (including NCIS, the U.S. Naval Investigative Service), focusing on building synergistic relationships in the field of monitoring
But Net including drug trafficking and the even more odious human beings, were among the topics which have driven the summit in Naples.
Drug traffickers, after the strengthening of controls in the North-West Africa, have opened new ways, thanks to the particular topography of the coast of Africa, for their shape, are difficult to control. The table was dedicated to drug trafficking analyzed in depth the phenomenon, especially in light of predictions about the "new ways" of drugs such as cocaine, which is dedicated to the opening in the southern region of the continent or the Horn of Africa and countries bordering the Indian Ocean with regard to heroin, and yet has identified Africa as the future epicenter for the production of synthetic drugs. Heroin, cocaine, pills all for the European market. Encourage the creation of an information flow that can give a thorough and updated knowledge of the situation, try to standardize systems and languages \u200b\u200bof communication, joint planning project activities and seek to harmonize the standards are main points on which they are found by mutual agreement of the participants.
But another kind of traffic which is unfortunately a sad reality is that human beings, "new slaves" of our century. "I have now tried - said Antonio Manganelli - Contacts between our criminal organizations and those of Turkey, Greece, Egypt and cells of other countries. We have shared our knowledge and we are fighting the problem through bilateral agreements. This is the way forward. " And on these subjects were compared to countries that took part in the roundtable discussion on the phenomenon, and concluded to make "permanent" table, giving himself an appointment in six months with a new date to take stock delllla situation.
Drug trafficking, illegal immigration and new slaves are all phenomena in the hands of the transnational organized crime, said Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, "is the new enemy to fight polluting economies and institutions and erodes democracy . Weak states are more prone to infiltration of this crime, which uses them as a basis for its activities and influences them, or threatening to do so, using systematic corruption and violence. Not to mention that now have proven the synergies between terrorism and transnational organized crime. " And to confirm the words of the minister, adding also that of the Chief of Police: "The true goal is to attack the wealth of criminal organizations to impoverish. We must take back what they have stolen and that, through drug dealing, has cost the lives of many of our children. "
So a real struggle without borders that is waiting for the future of African and European police forces, often aided by an uneven legislation from State to State. "Talking about the harmonization of these laws - noted Manganelli - is equivalent to an academic exercise with good intentions. We all know that you can not get a single law between countries that have traditions, cultures, goals and principles are not always common. This should be our effort, dialogue and work together by harmonizing that is not reconcilable, we must compensate with our technical teams, speaking the same language, with the desire to achieve the same goal, along with reading what our laws, do not read the same way. "
A common objective of the Conference of Naples is only the starting point.
The long road to Euro-African
Naples Royal Continental Hotel. It is here that there are almost all African countries' police chiefs sitting next to their colleagues Europe, representatives of EU institutions and major international organizations working for global security. The main objective the fight against illegal immigration and trafficking of human beings who, as pointed out by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni during the presentation of the project Across Sahara II (designed to develop regional cooperation and institutional capacity in border management and immigration, pictured below left), require a global response: "You have to understand, and make it clear that the era of globalization, the migration issue is a problem in the countries of Northern Europe no less than it is qi for Italy or Greece. That is the size of the challenge requires a global response in terms of shared responsibility between European countries and cooperation with countries of origin and transit, cooperation in multilateral and international organizations, even on the side of development programs and stabilization. How and by what, in the near future, we will put into practice their commitment to strengthening the capacity of third countries to control illegal immigration flows will depend in large part the welfare of our society, the integration of immigrants in them regular and, more generally, the safety of our citizens and those who welcome. " And to think Some African countries represented here have bilateral agreements on security only with our country within the EU. Others, however, are not on good terms with each other. For this reason it was difficult to have them all around the same table, this was important. The idea was announced by the Chief of Police at the Symposium Eu - Interpol (pictured below right), designed to take stock of the cooperation between European police forces and those of West African countries held in Brussels on 30 September. Organize a conference, the euro-African, in Italy, to reach the establishment of permanent working groups called to plan and execute concrete operational initiatives of African and European police forces to combat criminal organizations that exploit the "new slaves" and carry out joint police operations to prevent the phenomenon. During the meeting, the prefect Manganelli proposed Italy as the leader of the Europe-Africa partnership of police in combating terrorism, trafficking and trafficking in human beings. We have come a long way to achieve this goal. A road made of notes: political, operational, bilateral and multilateral agreements. As the one signed with Nigeria and coordinated by Interpol (pictured right), to deal with illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings, which has led some Nigerian police, after training, to work shoulder to shoulder with the Italian colleagues in international airports, ports, and in some cities. Or the one signed with Algeria, which is also to strengthen cooperation on immigration, which has allowed us to significantly increase the exchange of information and experience between the Algerian and Italian police. Among the most important agreements are referred to those made with the aim to counter, already at their source, the flow of illegal immigration to Italy, the agreements with the GhanGhana and Niger. As explained by the Interior Minister: "We have excellent bilateral agreements with Mediterranean countries Africa, in the range from Morocco to Egypt, but they tend to be transit countries of illegal flows that actually originate from the states south of the Sahara. That's why we want to expand the security zone in that area not only with regard to immigration, but also to combat terrorism and drug trafficking. " L 'importance of these arrangements has been highlighted by the prefect Manganelli: "We are making agreements with all countries in the area. These countries "producers" and we want to combat these illegal flows. It is also a way to fight terrorism because countries Islamized know there is the phenomenon of fanaticism the danger that illegal immigration can be a vehicle for entry into Italy of terrorists. " Achieving the right balance between politics of reception and integration on the one hand and strict policy towards illegal immigration, which often feeds other forms of crime. This is a difficult test in front of which all European countries will compete.
Mauro Valeri
Monday, February 21, 2011
Homer In Bathtub Chair
The incredible silence of the Italian government. And Berlusconi does not mention Gadhafi
The incredible silence of the Italian government. And Berlusconi does not mention Gadhafi | |||||
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I waited until 20, while waiting for the evening news. Who knows that in view of the light of the camera .... Still nothing. No statement on the environment Berlusconi's Gaddafi, who according to some sources in the blood would be repressing the demonstrations against him. The TV said that some fighters are bombing civilians, and some drivers have become deserters and escaped ( with a lot of hunting) in Malta ( If you do not believe you read here )., 250 dead do not invent. At 20:45 comes the Word: Berlusconi says he is alarmed at the escalation of conflict and the unacceptable use of violence on the civilian population. " Without ever mentioning the friend Gaddafi. in Libya there is a civil war is a fact. That Libya is a strategic partner for our country too. So I try to understand better. level drops and search for Italian ministers statements. Parto Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, who is merely asking to stop the violence. Incredibly silent Tremonti despite very strong interest that our country has in the region (and vice versa, unfortunately ....) control the defense minister, Ignazio La Russa: He is more clear, a day after he attacked (his way) Berlusconi as saying he would not "disturb Gaddafi." La Russa reiterated that "has raised the level of attention in aeoroporti and the Italian military air bases upon arrival in Malta of Libyan aircraft and helicopters." A sign that things are falling and that we can invest. Tace Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, who does not tell us or if the agreement for border control is taking or if there are fellow citizens there. course does not say a word, the Minister of Economic Development Paul Roman, another voice in the matter, or the Minister European policy: that is no more. Justice Minister Angelino Alfano did not talk to agencies or with a press but a Porta a Porta, which will air at 23: "The European Council has condemned all violence on the one hand, and invoked the principle of self-determination. The Libyan people will have to self-determination. " You know at midnight, but that's something. The always talkative Bondi? We have 13 archaeological missions in Libya. Absolute zero. A deafening silence as start special flights to retract the Italians, and all world leaders involved, while in Libya flows the blood of repression. The head of government is in his private residence to sharpen their weapons and defensive of his trial pending Bossi, tonight, to decide the exchange-justice federalism. And 'this also the fault of the prosecutors in Milan? Marco marco.castelnuovo @ / marcocastelnuov | |
Homer In Bathtub Chair
The incredible silence of the Italian government. And Berlusconi does not mention Gadhafi
The incredible silence of the Italian government. And Berlusconi does not mention Gadhafi | |||||
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I waited until 20, while waiting for the evening news. Who knows that in view of the light of the camera .... Still nothing. No statement on the environment Berlusconi's Gaddafi, who according to some sources in the blood would be repressing the demonstrations against him. The TV said that some fighters are bombing civilians, and some drivers have become deserters and escaped ( with a lot of hunting) in Malta ( If you do not believe you read here )., 250 dead do not invent. At 20:45 comes the Word: Berlusconi says he is alarmed at the escalation of conflict and the unacceptable use of violence on the civilian population. " Without ever mentioning the friend Gaddafi. in Libya there is a civil war is a fact. That Libya is a strategic partner for our country too. So I try to understand better. level drops and search for Italian ministers statements. Parto Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, who is merely asking to stop the violence. Incredibly silent Tremonti despite very strong interest that our country has in the region (and vice versa, unfortunately ....) control the defense minister, Ignazio La Russa: He is more clear, a day after he attacked (his way) Berlusconi as saying he would not "disturb Gaddafi." La Russa reiterated that "has raised the level of attention in aeoroporti and the Italian military air bases upon arrival in Malta of Libyan aircraft and helicopters." A sign that things are falling and that we can invest. Tace Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, who does not tell us or if the agreement for border control is taking or if there are fellow citizens there. course does not say a word, the Minister of Economic Development Paul Roman, another voice in the matter, or the Minister European policy: that is no more. Justice Minister Angelino Alfano did not talk to agencies or with a press but a Porta a Porta, which will air at 23: "The European Council has condemned all violence on the one hand, and invoked the principle of self-determination. The Libyan people will have to self-determination. " You know at midnight, but that's something. The always talkative Bondi? We have 13 archaeological missions in Libya. Absolute zero. A deafening silence as start special flights to retract the Italians, and all world leaders involved, while in Libya flows the blood of repression. The head of government is in his private residence to sharpen their weapons and defensive of his trial pending Bossi, tonight, to decide the exchange-justice federalism. And 'this also the fault of the prosecutors in Milan? Marco marco.castelnuovo @ / marcocastelnuov | |
Michelle Keegan Lingerie
big trouble for Berlusconi, Gaddafi and Putin: randomness? Just
big trouble for Berlusconi, Gaddafi and Putin: randomness?
Published: February 18, 2011 Posted in: World Crisis
The riots in the Arab world touch us very closely, not only for the surplus of desperate to land on Lampedusa. Even Silvio Berlusconi is shaky, as leaders in the south of the Mediterranean , and is contested in the streets: of course, vary the ways and the violence is almost exclusively verbal, at least for now. But the parallelism could be more than a coincidence. Perhaps, a settling of scores.
First of all, it is interesting to note that the riots have also finally reached Libya: Gaddafi's berarsi and they could be, 'someone', another little stone removed from his shoe .
Second, it would not be a case that Russia is proved cold and critical about what is happening in the Mediterranean. According an interesting article in The Western , Putin is serious reason to fear the same fate of Mubarak. The attack all'areoporto Domodedovo in Moscow on January 24 last year (36 deaths), in fact, it has been claimed once more by Dokku Umarov, nicknamed "the Chechen Bin Laden" and otherwise known as the Emir of the Caucasus.
The Chechen Republic, thorn in the side of Mother Russia, could be among the next to blow. And the best news is that, encouraged by the wave event, this time in the uprising, the rebels could gain the upper hand, precipitating a situation that has dragged Russia into a bloody conflict straining Putin's prestige.
must consider, then, that the revolt in the Arab world could be seen at far less colors lay of how the Western media to represent. And the Muslim presence in Russia is continually expanding and increasingly important in the protests against Putin. Losing Chechnya could give courage and centrifugal propulsion motions that could shatter the Russian Federation .
Gadhafi and Putin, therefore, risk being overwhelmed. It seems no coincidence that the only Western leader against whom is unleashing a storm of legal and square is Berlusconi? Again, the documents revealed by Wikileaks sound like a warning of a close friend, a member of the other. This confirms the hypothesis that Silvio Berlusconi would be 'guilty' of having stolen the American influence.
want to think 'evil', the events of this early 2011 look more like a settling of scores in a spontaneous international affirmation of the sovereignty of peoples. Especially with the Clinton propaganda that the freedom of the network for everyone just as the U.S. government fully confirms the Patriot Act The same freedom of speech that makes you at home lose their jobs or be filed as a terrorist for a post on Facebook.
First of all, it is interesting to note that the riots have also finally reached Libya: Gaddafi's berarsi and they could be, 'someone', another little stone removed from his shoe .
Second, it would not be a case that Russia is proved cold and critical about what is happening in the Mediterranean. According an interesting article in The Western , Putin is serious reason to fear the same fate of Mubarak. The attack all'areoporto Domodedovo in Moscow on January 24 last year (36 deaths), in fact, it has been claimed once more by Dokku Umarov, nicknamed "the Chechen Bin Laden" and otherwise known as the Emir of the Caucasus.
The Chechen Republic, thorn in the side of Mother Russia, could be among the next to blow. And the best news is that, encouraged by the wave event, this time in the uprising, the rebels could gain the upper hand, precipitating a situation that has dragged Russia into a bloody conflict straining Putin's prestige.
must consider, then, that the revolt in the Arab world could be seen at far less colors lay of how the Western media to represent. And the Muslim presence in Russia is continually expanding and increasingly important in the protests against Putin. Losing Chechnya could give courage and centrifugal propulsion motions that could shatter the Russian Federation .
Gadhafi and Putin, therefore, risk being overwhelmed. It seems no coincidence that the only Western leader against whom is unleashing a storm of legal and square is Berlusconi? Again, the documents revealed by Wikileaks sound like a warning of a close friend, a member of the other. This confirms the hypothesis that Silvio Berlusconi would be 'guilty' of having stolen the American influence.
want to think 'evil', the events of this early 2011 look more like a settling of scores in a spontaneous international affirmation of the sovereignty of peoples. Especially with the Clinton propaganda that the freedom of the network for everyone just as the U.S. government fully confirms the Patriot Act The same freedom of speech that makes you at home lose their jobs or be filed as a terrorist for a post on Facebook.
Michelle Keegan Lingerie
big trouble for Berlusconi, Gaddafi and Putin: randomness? Just
big trouble for Berlusconi, Gaddafi and Putin: randomness?
Published: February 18, 2011 Posted in: World Crisis
The riots in the Arab world touch us very closely, not only for the surplus of desperate to land on Lampedusa. Even Silvio Berlusconi is shaky, as leaders in the south of the Mediterranean , and is contested in the streets: of course, vary the ways and the violence is almost exclusively verbal, at least for now. But the parallelism could be more than a coincidence. Perhaps, a settling of scores.
First of all, it is interesting to note that the riots have also finally reached Libya: Gaddafi's berarsi and they could be, 'someone', another little stone removed from his shoe .
Second, it would not be a case that Russia is proved cold and critical about what is happening in the Mediterranean. According an interesting article in The Western , Putin is serious reason to fear the same fate of Mubarak. The attack all'areoporto Domodedovo in Moscow on January 24 last year (36 deaths), in fact, it has been claimed once more by Dokku Umarov, nicknamed "the Chechen Bin Laden" and otherwise known as the Emir of the Caucasus.
The Chechen Republic, thorn in the side of Mother Russia, could be among the next to blow. And the best news is that, encouraged by the wave event, this time in the uprising, the rebels could gain the upper hand, precipitating a situation that has dragged Russia into a bloody conflict straining Putin's prestige.
must consider, then, that the revolt in the Arab world could be seen at far less colors lay of how the Western media to represent. And the Muslim presence in Russia is continually expanding and increasingly important in the protests against Putin. Losing Chechnya could give courage and centrifugal propulsion motions that could shatter the Russian Federation .
Gadhafi and Putin, therefore, risk being overwhelmed. It seems no coincidence that the only Western leader against whom is unleashing a storm of legal and square is Berlusconi? Again, the documents revealed by Wikileaks sound like a warning of a close friend, a member of the other. This confirms the hypothesis that Silvio Berlusconi would be 'guilty' of having stolen the American influence.
want to think 'evil', the events of this early 2011 look more like a settling of scores in a spontaneous international affirmation of the sovereignty of peoples. Especially with the Clinton propaganda that the freedom of the network for everyone just as the U.S. government fully confirms the Patriot Act The same freedom of speech that makes you at home lose their jobs or be filed as a terrorist for a post on Facebook.
First of all, it is interesting to note that the riots have also finally reached Libya: Gaddafi's berarsi and they could be, 'someone', another little stone removed from his shoe .
Second, it would not be a case that Russia is proved cold and critical about what is happening in the Mediterranean. According an interesting article in The Western , Putin is serious reason to fear the same fate of Mubarak. The attack all'areoporto Domodedovo in Moscow on January 24 last year (36 deaths), in fact, it has been claimed once more by Dokku Umarov, nicknamed "the Chechen Bin Laden" and otherwise known as the Emir of the Caucasus.
The Chechen Republic, thorn in the side of Mother Russia, could be among the next to blow. And the best news is that, encouraged by the wave event, this time in the uprising, the rebels could gain the upper hand, precipitating a situation that has dragged Russia into a bloody conflict straining Putin's prestige.
must consider, then, that the revolt in the Arab world could be seen at far less colors lay of how the Western media to represent. And the Muslim presence in Russia is continually expanding and increasingly important in the protests against Putin. Losing Chechnya could give courage and centrifugal propulsion motions that could shatter the Russian Federation .
Gadhafi and Putin, therefore, risk being overwhelmed. It seems no coincidence that the only Western leader against whom is unleashing a storm of legal and square is Berlusconi? Again, the documents revealed by Wikileaks sound like a warning of a close friend, a member of the other. This confirms the hypothesis that Silvio Berlusconi would be 'guilty' of having stolen the American influence.
want to think 'evil', the events of this early 2011 look more like a settling of scores in a spontaneous international affirmation of the sovereignty of peoples. Especially with the Clinton propaganda that the freedom of the network for everyone just as the U.S. government fully confirms the Patriot Act The same freedom of speech that makes you at home lose their jobs or be filed as a terrorist for a post on Facebook.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
How Do You Create Sims With Nipples
hypocrisy Immigration
Oh yes, because Mrs. Bunting is an intellectual famous signature of excellence that sort of "sauce Republic in the British" multicultural England that has always boasted proudly progressive. With the lyrical tone lady said her recent experience of multiculturalism which belies Cameron: that her shopping on Saturday morning in Hackney's Ridley Road East London, where "dozens of different nationalities wander in search of the best vegetables, clothes, blankets and cooking utensils. And the air is filled with the fragrance of turkish bread and salted fish of Africa and the stalls are full of yams and chili. "We have dwelt on Mrs. Bunting for two reasons: first to hearten us Italians that the intellectuals British left can be even worse than ours. Second, to demonstrate the abstraction with which a progressive intellectual world continues to face the issues which pose challenges to the survival of the West: multiculturalism and is one of them. L 'accuses David Cameron is thinking about the risks of an allowance is reduced to mere acceptance of forms of identity are often hostile models and the laws of host countries. The British Conservative leader has made an analysis of the ruthless process of radicalization of a part of Islam who lives in Britain. He denounced the failure of multiculturalism that has allowed it would create "isolated communities that behave in ways contrary to our values" and said that we must stop thinking of a model of passive tolerance. Cameron has coined a new definition, "muscular liberalism", in front of which Mrs. Bunting is horrified, writing once that "this is the politics of body-building: mostly aesthetic but with a possible involvement of oppression."
In fact, reflection on the end of multiculturalism began in 2006 with just Tony Blair, following the dramatic attack on the Tube in London that killed over 50 people. For England, the discovery that the suicide bombers were young British Muslim religion, the second and third generation, was a rude awakening from the fable of the colorful and peaceful country. It was in those days that Trevor Philips, an unsuspecting Labour of Afro-Caribbean origin, a close associate of Prime Minister on issues of their own, told the Times that the word multiculturalism "means the wrong things." And shortly after Blair was the same as to say that in a society Democratic there are "boundaries of shared values \u200b\u200bwithin which everyone must be forced to live." If the progressive intellectuals, as well as shopping in ethnic markets, try browsing on YouTube, they would discover different realities multicultural havens. "You Will Pay With Your Blood" is a short amateur video which includes the fundamentalist demonstrations in London in 2006 before the Danish embassy during protests that set fire to Europe for anti-Islamic cartoons. You see young people shouting slogans in perfect English, and bombs are celebrating Jihad against those who offend the Prophet and raise signs with slogans like: "Europe you will pay, your Sept. 11 is near."
in central London. Around a police cordon guarantees their right to demonstrate. These images embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe failure of multiculturalism more than any concept. The image of a close in the contradiction of having to guarantee freedom of expression to those who would destroy the paradox of multiculturalism is not only British. The "muscular liberalism" that wants Cameron will not prevent Mrs. Bunting to continue to do his shopping in the market, but maybe able to prevent fundamentalism and fanaticism to take foothold in our society .
Enough hypocrisy Immigration
Attack radical chic to British Prime Minister David Cameron who has been allowed to say that multiculturalism in Britain has failed miserably. British Prime Minister Mrs. Madeleine Bunting David Cameron was very angry with the British prime minister David Cameron who has been allowed to say that multiculturalism in Britain failed miserably. Angry, the woman attacked him from the columns of The Guardian, the newspaper of the left a bit 'radical chic.
Oh yes, because Mrs. Bunting is an intellectual famous signature of excellence that sort of "sauce Republic in the British" multicultural England that has always boasted proudly progressive. With the lyrical tone lady said her recent experience of multiculturalism which belies Cameron: that her shopping on Saturday morning in Hackney's Ridley Road East London, where "dozens of different nationalities wander in search of the best vegetables, clothes, blankets and cooking utensils. And the air is filled with the fragrance of turkish bread and salted fish of Africa and the stalls are full of yams and chili. "We have dwelt on Mrs. Bunting for two reasons: first to hearten us Italians that the intellectuals British left can be even worse than ours. Second, to demonstrate the abstraction with which a progressive intellectual world continues to face the issues which pose challenges to the survival of the West: multiculturalism and is one of them. L 'accuses David Cameron is thinking about the risks of an allowance is reduced to mere acceptance of forms of identity are often hostile models and the laws of host countries. The British Conservative leader has made an analysis of the ruthless process of radicalization of a part of Islam who lives in Britain. He denounced the failure of multiculturalism that has allowed it would create "isolated communities that behave in ways contrary to our values" and said that we must stop thinking of a model of passive tolerance. Cameron has coined a new definition, "muscular liberalism", in front of which Mrs. Bunting is horrified, writing once that "this is the politics of body-building: mostly aesthetic but with a possible involvement of oppression."
In fact, reflection on the end of multiculturalism began in 2006 with just Tony Blair, following the dramatic attack on the Tube in London that killed over 50 people. For England, the discovery that the suicide bombers were young British Muslim religion, the second and third generation, was a rude awakening from the fable of the colorful and peaceful country. It was in those days that Trevor Philips, an unsuspecting Labour of Afro-Caribbean origin, a close associate of Prime Minister on issues of their own, told the Times that the word multiculturalism "means the wrong things." And shortly after Blair was the same as to say that in a society Democratic there are "boundaries of shared values \u200b\u200bwithin which everyone must be forced to live." If the progressive intellectuals, as well as shopping in ethnic markets, try browsing on YouTube, they would discover different realities multicultural havens. "You Will Pay With Your Blood" is a short amateur video which includes the fundamentalist demonstrations in London in 2006 before the Danish embassy during protests that set fire to Europe for anti-Islamic cartoons. You see young people shouting slogans in perfect English, and bombs are celebrating Jihad against those who offend the Prophet and raise signs with slogans like: "Europe you will pay, your Sept. 11 is near."
in central London. Around a police cordon guarantees their right to demonstrate. These images embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe failure of multiculturalism more than any concept. The image of a close in the contradiction of having to guarantee freedom of expression to those who would destroy the paradox of multiculturalism is not only British. The "muscular liberalism" that wants Cameron will not prevent Mrs. Bunting to continue to do his shopping in the market, but maybe able to prevent fundamentalism and fanaticism to take foothold in our society .
How Do You Create Sims With Nipples
hypocrisy Immigration
Oh yes, because Mrs. Bunting is an intellectual famous signature of excellence that sort of "sauce Republic in the British" multicultural England that has always boasted proudly progressive. With the lyrical tone lady said her recent experience of multiculturalism which belies Cameron: that her shopping on Saturday morning in Hackney's Ridley Road East London, where "dozens of different nationalities wander in search of the best vegetables, clothes, blankets and cooking utensils. And the air is filled with the fragrance of turkish bread and salted fish of Africa and the stalls are full of yams and chili. "We have dwelt on Mrs. Bunting for two reasons: first to hearten us Italians that the intellectuals British left can be even worse than ours. Second, to demonstrate the abstraction with which a progressive intellectual world continues to face the issues which pose challenges to the survival of the West: multiculturalism and is one of them. L 'accuses David Cameron is thinking about the risks of an allowance is reduced to mere acceptance of forms of identity are often hostile models and the laws of host countries. The British Conservative leader has made an analysis of the ruthless process of radicalization of a part of Islam who lives in Britain. He denounced the failure of multiculturalism that has allowed it would create "isolated communities that behave in ways contrary to our values" and said that we must stop thinking of a model of passive tolerance. Cameron has coined a new definition, "muscular liberalism", in front of which Mrs. Bunting is horrified, writing once that "this is the politics of body-building: mostly aesthetic but with a possible involvement of oppression."
In fact, reflection on the end of multiculturalism began in 2006 with just Tony Blair, following the dramatic attack on the Tube in London that killed over 50 people. For England, the discovery that the suicide bombers were young British Muslim religion, the second and third generation, was a rude awakening from the fable of the colorful and peaceful country. It was in those days that Trevor Philips, an unsuspecting Labour of Afro-Caribbean origin, a close associate of Prime Minister on issues of their own, told the Times that the word multiculturalism "means the wrong things." And shortly after Blair was the same as to say that in a society Democratic there are "boundaries of shared values \u200b\u200bwithin which everyone must be forced to live." If the progressive intellectuals, as well as shopping in ethnic markets, try browsing on YouTube, they would discover different realities multicultural havens. "You Will Pay With Your Blood" is a short amateur video which includes the fundamentalist demonstrations in London in 2006 before the Danish embassy during protests that set fire to Europe for anti-Islamic cartoons. You see young people shouting slogans in perfect English, and bombs are celebrating Jihad against those who offend the Prophet and raise signs with slogans like: "Europe you will pay, your Sept. 11 is near."
in central London. Around a police cordon guarantees their right to demonstrate. These images embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe failure of multiculturalism more than any concept. The image of a close in the contradiction of having to guarantee freedom of expression to those who would destroy the paradox of multiculturalism is not only British. The "muscular liberalism" that wants Cameron will not prevent Mrs. Bunting to continue to do his shopping in the market, but maybe able to prevent fundamentalism and fanaticism to take foothold in our society .
Enough hypocrisy Immigration
Attack radical chic to British Prime Minister David Cameron who has been allowed to say that multiculturalism in Britain has failed miserably. British Prime Minister Mrs. Madeleine Bunting David Cameron was very angry with the British prime minister David Cameron who has been allowed to say that multiculturalism in Britain failed miserably. Angry, the woman attacked him from the columns of The Guardian, the newspaper of the left a bit 'radical chic.
Oh yes, because Mrs. Bunting is an intellectual famous signature of excellence that sort of "sauce Republic in the British" multicultural England that has always boasted proudly progressive. With the lyrical tone lady said her recent experience of multiculturalism which belies Cameron: that her shopping on Saturday morning in Hackney's Ridley Road East London, where "dozens of different nationalities wander in search of the best vegetables, clothes, blankets and cooking utensils. And the air is filled with the fragrance of turkish bread and salted fish of Africa and the stalls are full of yams and chili. "We have dwelt on Mrs. Bunting for two reasons: first to hearten us Italians that the intellectuals British left can be even worse than ours. Second, to demonstrate the abstraction with which a progressive intellectual world continues to face the issues which pose challenges to the survival of the West: multiculturalism and is one of them. L 'accuses David Cameron is thinking about the risks of an allowance is reduced to mere acceptance of forms of identity are often hostile models and the laws of host countries. The British Conservative leader has made an analysis of the ruthless process of radicalization of a part of Islam who lives in Britain. He denounced the failure of multiculturalism that has allowed it would create "isolated communities that behave in ways contrary to our values" and said that we must stop thinking of a model of passive tolerance. Cameron has coined a new definition, "muscular liberalism", in front of which Mrs. Bunting is horrified, writing once that "this is the politics of body-building: mostly aesthetic but with a possible involvement of oppression."
In fact, reflection on the end of multiculturalism began in 2006 with just Tony Blair, following the dramatic attack on the Tube in London that killed over 50 people. For England, the discovery that the suicide bombers were young British Muslim religion, the second and third generation, was a rude awakening from the fable of the colorful and peaceful country. It was in those days that Trevor Philips, an unsuspecting Labour of Afro-Caribbean origin, a close associate of Prime Minister on issues of their own, told the Times that the word multiculturalism "means the wrong things." And shortly after Blair was the same as to say that in a society Democratic there are "boundaries of shared values \u200b\u200bwithin which everyone must be forced to live." If the progressive intellectuals, as well as shopping in ethnic markets, try browsing on YouTube, they would discover different realities multicultural havens. "You Will Pay With Your Blood" is a short amateur video which includes the fundamentalist demonstrations in London in 2006 before the Danish embassy during protests that set fire to Europe for anti-Islamic cartoons. You see young people shouting slogans in perfect English, and bombs are celebrating Jihad against those who offend the Prophet and raise signs with slogans like: "Europe you will pay, your Sept. 11 is near."
in central London. Around a police cordon guarantees their right to demonstrate. These images embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe failure of multiculturalism more than any concept. The image of a close in the contradiction of having to guarantee freedom of expression to those who would destroy the paradox of multiculturalism is not only British. The "muscular liberalism" that wants Cameron will not prevent Mrs. Bunting to continue to do his shopping in the market, but maybe able to prevent fundamentalism and fanaticism to take foothold in our society .
Monday, February 7, 2011
Last Posting Date For Australia
young Muslims expel their founder: too moderate
Islam, the Young Muslims expel their founder: too moderate
of Paola Setti
The leadership of the Young Muslims of Italy has expelled from the Committee sponsors Khaled Chaouki, which in 2001 had helped to establish the first Islamic youth training in our country. He slams Egypt in the fight for democracy, censorship of dissent here
Maybe they would say, young people in Tahrir Square demanding democracy at the cost of living. Khalid Chaouki left the group. He had founded it in 2001, the Association of Young Muslims of Italy. "I wanted it to be a mediator bridge a bridge between Islamic culture and the West, between fathers and sons of the new Islamic presence in Italy." Watchwords integration, dialogue and confrontation. The moderate Islam that crosses the Italian culture, through the intersection with other minorities, religious and linguistic minorities, in the country. They made it out. Door on him as too moderate. So much for those young people who, on the other side of the Mediterranean from Tunisia to Egypt, but the door has opened a new logic of democracy and pluralism. Chaouki
The relationship between the association and was a bit complex ', when, in 2004, he left the presidency denouncing extremist infiltration, and having attracted harsh criticism for his moderate positions, "My calls for a condemnation Net terrorism, I proposed a model of dialogue, nothing was best: the association has embarked on the path of backwardness. I left the presidency, but I thought it my duty to remain in partnership. " Yesterday the body of trustees, which includes the founders of the Committee, has announced that he had voted unanimously its expulsion. With oral communication, "because they did not even have the courage to put pen to paper." Chaouki
explains: "They think to censor dissent and pluralism with the same zeal of the worst dictatorships, which are fighting against other young Arabs and Muslims in the other side of the Mediterranean. My expulsion from the association, which I co-founded in 2001, shows that it is still a long way towards meeting some of the other organizational realities of Islam in Italian. " Hence the appeal to other young Muslims to distance themselves by the Association: "It is disheartening to note that the hopes of the second generation of Muslims in Italy are so sadly misplaced. I am sure that with me, many young people will express the will of change and rebellion and sectarian methods so now out of time. " Khalid, Moroccan, 28 years in Italy for twenty, he was member of the Council of Islam, created in 2006 by then Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu. Today, immigration is responsible for Youth of the Democratic Party. It has become a symbol of moderate Islam, integrated, open.
Now they have "tried as a medieval court," judging even "dangerous, worthless, harmful, contrary to my community, so I'm told." A signal
"awesome" feel now vice president of the Jewish community of Milan, Daniele Nahum, which records a "change in political direction of the Association of Young Muslims, as opposed to carrying forward Khalid." For years, warns Nahum, the Young Muslims have stopped the dialogue and almost canceled the meetings with the Jewish community: "By Khalid president we have carried out many joint initiatives for dialogue among peoples and the role of ethnic and religious minorities in Italy. The deportation of Khalid, a leading exponent of the general assembly and opening line, a signal is terrible and dangerous. " Solidarity with Chaouki also came from the secretary of the Union Islamic Communities and Organisations in Italy (UCOII), Ahmed Paolantoni.
The relationship between the association and was a bit complex ', when, in 2004, he left the presidency denouncing extremist infiltration, and having attracted harsh criticism for his moderate positions, "My calls for a condemnation Net terrorism, I proposed a model of dialogue, nothing was best: the association has embarked on the path of backwardness. I left the presidency, but I thought it my duty to remain in partnership. " Yesterday the body of trustees, which includes the founders of the Committee, has announced that he had voted unanimously its expulsion. With oral communication, "because they did not even have the courage to put pen to paper." Chaouki
explains: "They think to censor dissent and pluralism with the same zeal of the worst dictatorships, which are fighting against other young Arabs and Muslims in the other side of the Mediterranean. My expulsion from the association, which I co-founded in 2001, shows that it is still a long way towards meeting some of the other organizational realities of Islam in Italian. " Hence the appeal to other young Muslims to distance themselves by the Association: "It is disheartening to note that the hopes of the second generation of Muslims in Italy are so sadly misplaced. I am sure that with me, many young people will express the will of change and rebellion and sectarian methods so now out of time. " Khalid, Moroccan, 28 years in Italy for twenty, he was member of the Council of Islam, created in 2006 by then Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu. Today, immigration is responsible for Youth of the Democratic Party. It has become a symbol of moderate Islam, integrated, open.
Now they have "tried as a medieval court," judging even "dangerous, worthless, harmful, contrary to my community, so I'm told." A signal
"awesome" feel now vice president of the Jewish community of Milan, Daniele Nahum, which records a "change in political direction of the Association of Young Muslims, as opposed to carrying forward Khalid." For years, warns Nahum, the Young Muslims have stopped the dialogue and almost canceled the meetings with the Jewish community: "By Khalid president we have carried out many joint initiatives for dialogue among peoples and the role of ethnic and religious minorities in Italy. The deportation of Khalid, a leading exponent of the general assembly and opening line, a signal is terrible and dangerous. " Solidarity with Chaouki also came from the secretary of the Union Islamic Communities and Organisations in Italy (UCOII), Ahmed Paolantoni.
Last Posting Date For Australia
young Muslims expel their founder: too moderate
Islam, the Young Muslims expel their founder: too moderate
of Paola Setti
The leadership of the Young Muslims of Italy has expelled from the Committee sponsors Khaled Chaouki, which in 2001 had helped to establish the first Islamic youth training in our country. He slams Egypt in the fight for democracy, censorship of dissent here
Maybe they would say, young people in Tahrir Square demanding democracy at the cost of living. Khalid Chaouki left the group. He had founded it in 2001, the Association of Young Muslims of Italy. "I wanted it to be a mediator bridge a bridge between Islamic culture and the West, between fathers and sons of the new Islamic presence in Italy." Watchwords integration, dialogue and confrontation. The moderate Islam that crosses the Italian culture, through the intersection with other minorities, religious and linguistic minorities, in the country. They made it out. Door on him as too moderate. So much for those young people who, on the other side of the Mediterranean from Tunisia to Egypt, but the door has opened a new logic of democracy and pluralism. Chaouki
The relationship between the association and was a bit complex ', when, in 2004, he left the presidency denouncing extremist infiltration, and having attracted harsh criticism for his moderate positions, "My calls for a condemnation Net terrorism, I proposed a model of dialogue, nothing was best: the association has embarked on the path of backwardness. I left the presidency, but I thought it my duty to remain in partnership. " Yesterday the body of trustees, which includes the founders of the Committee, has announced that he had voted unanimously its expulsion. With oral communication, "because they did not even have the courage to put pen to paper." Chaouki
explains: "They think to censor dissent and pluralism with the same zeal of the worst dictatorships, which are fighting against other young Arabs and Muslims in the other side of the Mediterranean. My expulsion from the association, which I co-founded in 2001, shows that it is still a long way towards meeting some of the other organizational realities of Islam in Italian. " Hence the appeal to other young Muslims to distance themselves by the Association: "It is disheartening to note that the hopes of the second generation of Muslims in Italy are so sadly misplaced. I am sure that with me, many young people will express the will of change and rebellion and sectarian methods so now out of time. " Khalid, Moroccan, 28 years in Italy for twenty, he was member of the Council of Islam, created in 2006 by then Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu. Today, immigration is responsible for Youth of the Democratic Party. It has become a symbol of moderate Islam, integrated, open.
Now they have "tried as a medieval court," judging even "dangerous, worthless, harmful, contrary to my community, so I'm told." A signal
"awesome" feel now vice president of the Jewish community of Milan, Daniele Nahum, which records a "change in political direction of the Association of Young Muslims, as opposed to carrying forward Khalid." For years, warns Nahum, the Young Muslims have stopped the dialogue and almost canceled the meetings with the Jewish community: "By Khalid president we have carried out many joint initiatives for dialogue among peoples and the role of ethnic and religious minorities in Italy. The deportation of Khalid, a leading exponent of the general assembly and opening line, a signal is terrible and dangerous. " Solidarity with Chaouki also came from the secretary of the Union Islamic Communities and Organisations in Italy (UCOII), Ahmed Paolantoni.
The relationship between the association and was a bit complex ', when, in 2004, he left the presidency denouncing extremist infiltration, and having attracted harsh criticism for his moderate positions, "My calls for a condemnation Net terrorism, I proposed a model of dialogue, nothing was best: the association has embarked on the path of backwardness. I left the presidency, but I thought it my duty to remain in partnership. " Yesterday the body of trustees, which includes the founders of the Committee, has announced that he had voted unanimously its expulsion. With oral communication, "because they did not even have the courage to put pen to paper." Chaouki
explains: "They think to censor dissent and pluralism with the same zeal of the worst dictatorships, which are fighting against other young Arabs and Muslims in the other side of the Mediterranean. My expulsion from the association, which I co-founded in 2001, shows that it is still a long way towards meeting some of the other organizational realities of Islam in Italian. " Hence the appeal to other young Muslims to distance themselves by the Association: "It is disheartening to note that the hopes of the second generation of Muslims in Italy are so sadly misplaced. I am sure that with me, many young people will express the will of change and rebellion and sectarian methods so now out of time. " Khalid, Moroccan, 28 years in Italy for twenty, he was member of the Council of Islam, created in 2006 by then Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu. Today, immigration is responsible for Youth of the Democratic Party. It has become a symbol of moderate Islam, integrated, open.
Now they have "tried as a medieval court," judging even "dangerous, worthless, harmful, contrary to my community, so I'm told." A signal
"awesome" feel now vice president of the Jewish community of Milan, Daniele Nahum, which records a "change in political direction of the Association of Young Muslims, as opposed to carrying forward Khalid." For years, warns Nahum, the Young Muslims have stopped the dialogue and almost canceled the meetings with the Jewish community: "By Khalid president we have carried out many joint initiatives for dialogue among peoples and the role of ethnic and religious minorities in Italy. The deportation of Khalid, a leading exponent of the general assembly and opening line, a signal is terrible and dangerous. " Solidarity with Chaouki also came from the secretary of the Union Islamic Communities and Organisations in Italy (UCOII), Ahmed Paolantoni.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
What Is Polaris Xtra 10 Rear Suspension
AFRICAN DIASPORA: Khalid Chaouki - National Assembly
AFRICAN DIASPORA: Khalid Chaouki - National Assembly Rome
AFRICAN DIASPORA: Khalid Chaouki - National Assembly Rome
What Is Polaris Xtra 10 Rear Suspension
AFRICAN DIASPORA: Khalid Chaouki - National Assembly
AFRICAN DIASPORA: Khalid Chaouki - National Assembly Rome
AFRICAN DIASPORA: Khalid Chaouki - National Assembly Rome
Activan Contraindications
Cameron Rome: Multiculturalism has failed
LONDON - Multiculturalism? And 'failed. The ruling is the British prime minister, David Cameron. And is expected to raise more of a controversy and more of a reflection on the integration of models with which the whole of Europe, not only Great Britain, addressed the issue of immigration and integration. With specific reference to Islam and a situation in which what is happening in the Middle East poses new and additional risks.
Cameron: Multiculturalism has failed
The British prime minister, "encourages the separation of passive tolerance. The state imposes its liberal principles "
remarks to the conference SAFETY OF MONACO
Cameron: Multiculturalism has failed
The British prime minister, "encourages the separation of passive tolerance. The state imposes its liberal principles "
Cameron Merkel and Security Conference in Monaco (EPA / ANSA) |
common value for all the Cameron-Second '"state multiculturalism" has failed and has left young Muslims vulnerable to radicalism, said the British prime minister in the intervention to the security conference in Monaco of Bavaria. "It's time to turn the page on the failed policies of the country. First, instead of ignoring this extremist ideology, we must face it, in all its forms. " And again: "Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we encourage different cultures to live separate lives, detached from each other and Mainline. We were unable to provide a vision of society, to which I feel I want to belong. All this allows some young Muslims feel uprooted. "
For Cameron it is time to put aside the "passive tolerance" of the United Kingdom with a "liberal active muscle," to convey the message that life in Britain revolves around certain key values \u200b\u200bsuch as freedom of speech, the 'equality of rights and the rule of law. "A tolerant society passively remain neutral between different values. A country really does a lot more liberal. It believes in certain values \u200b\u200band actively promotes them (Ansa source)
For Cameron it is time to put aside the "passive tolerance" of the United Kingdom with a "liberal active muscle," to convey the message that life in Britain revolves around certain key values \u200b\u200bsuch as freedom of speech, the 'equality of rights and the rule of law. "A tolerant society passively remain neutral between different values. A country really does a lot more liberal. It believes in certain values \u200b\u200band actively promotes them (Ansa source)
Cameron attacks 'state multiculturalism'
- Andrew Sparrow , senior political correspondent
- ,
David Cameron: 'People today don't worry that criticising multiculturalism is coded racism.' Photograph: Lewis Whyld/PA David Cameron today launched a fierce attack on what he called "state multiculturalism", claiming that it undermined community relations."State multiculturalism is a wrong-headed doctrine that has had disastrous results. It has fostered difference between communities," the Conservative leader said in a speech."And it has stopped us from strengthening our collective identity. Indeed, it has deliberately weakened it."Cameron defined "state multiculturalism" as "the idea that we should respect different cultures within Britain to the point of allowing them – indeed encouraging them – to live separate lives, apart from each other and apart from the mainstream."Speaking at a debate hosted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Cameron also:• criticised the apparent suggestion from the Archbishop of Canterbury for the extension of sharia law into the UK• claimed that "state multiculturalism" was leading to schoolgirls in Bradford disappearing from school and being forced into marriage• committed the Tories to promoting integrationCameron said that in the voluntary sector "state multiculturalism" had involved "granting financial aid for artistic and other projects purely on account of ethnic background – with various groups, purporting to represent various minorities, competing for money against each other."In public services, it meant "not just essential information, but all information, endlessly translated into numerous languages, to cater for numerous people, who can then continue to go about their daily lives without ever having to learn English."More generally, it means treating groups of people as monolithic blocks rather than individual citizens."Cameron said that his generation did not have the hang-ups of the past and that "people today don't worry that criticising multiculturalism is coded racism"."Multiculturalism was manipulated to entrench the right to difference – which is a divisive concept. What we need is the right to equal treatment despite difference."Cameron said that he had "tried in good faith" to understand what the archbishop, Rowan Williams, had meant in his recent lecture about sharia and British law.If Williams meant that different communities should have different laws, then that would be "dangerous and illiberal", the Tory leader said.The introduction of sharia law for Muslims would be "the logical endpoint of the now discredited doctrine of state multiculturalism", he said.He went on: "It would alienate other communities who would resent this preferential treatment. It would provide succour to the separatists who want to isolate and divide communities from the mainstream."And it would – crucially – weaken, destabilise and demoralise those Muslims who embrace liberal values and desperately want to integrate fully in British society."Cameron said that "state multiculturalism" led to people accepting different cultural behaviour, even if it contravened human rights."Take forced marriages. In Bradford, where I was last week, schoolgirls under the age of sixteen have simply disappeared from school. Nobody knows where they are."And, until recently, there was little investigation – despite the fact that it is likely that they may have been drugged, imprisoned, kidnapped and forced into an unwanted marriage on the other side of the world."Cameron said that over the coming months he would be unveiling policies designed to "oppose the forces of separation in favour of community".One idea was for children to have more school exchanges, so they could meet children from different backgrounds.
Activan Contraindications
Cameron Rome: Multiculturalism has failed
LONDON - Multiculturalism? And 'failed. The ruling is the British prime minister, David Cameron. And is expected to raise more of a controversy and more of a reflection on the integration of models with which the whole of Europe, not only Great Britain, addressed the issue of immigration and integration. With specific reference to Islam and a situation in which what is happening in the Middle East poses new and additional risks.
Cameron: Multiculturalism has failed
The British prime minister, "encourages the separation of passive tolerance. The state imposes its liberal principles "
remarks to the conference SAFETY OF MONACO
Cameron: Multiculturalism has failed
The British prime minister, "encourages the separation of passive tolerance. The state imposes its liberal principles "
Cameron Merkel and Security Conference in Monaco (EPA / ANSA) |
common value for all the Cameron-Second '"state multiculturalism" has failed and has left young Muslims vulnerable to radicalism, said the British prime minister in the intervention to the security conference in Monaco of Bavaria. "It's time to turn the page on the failed policies of the country. First, instead of ignoring this extremist ideology, we must face it, in all its forms. " And again: "Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we encourage different cultures to live separate lives, detached from each other and Mainline. We were unable to provide a vision of society, to which I feel I want to belong. All this allows some young Muslims feel uprooted. "
For Cameron it is time to put aside the "passive tolerance" of the United Kingdom with a "liberal active muscle," to convey the message that life in Britain revolves around certain key values \u200b\u200bsuch as freedom of speech, the 'equality of rights and the rule of law. "A tolerant society passively remain neutral between different values. A country really does a lot more liberal. It believes in certain values \u200b\u200band actively promotes them (Ansa source)
For Cameron it is time to put aside the "passive tolerance" of the United Kingdom with a "liberal active muscle," to convey the message that life in Britain revolves around certain key values \u200b\u200bsuch as freedom of speech, the 'equality of rights and the rule of law. "A tolerant society passively remain neutral between different values. A country really does a lot more liberal. It believes in certain values \u200b\u200band actively promotes them (Ansa source)
Cameron attacks 'state multiculturalism'
- Andrew Sparrow , senior political correspondent
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David Cameron: 'People today don't worry that criticising multiculturalism is coded racism.' Photograph: Lewis Whyld/PA David Cameron today launched a fierce attack on what he called "state multiculturalism", claiming that it undermined community relations."State multiculturalism is a wrong-headed doctrine that has had disastrous results. It has fostered difference between communities," the Conservative leader said in a speech."And it has stopped us from strengthening our collective identity. Indeed, it has deliberately weakened it."Cameron defined "state multiculturalism" as "the idea that we should respect different cultures within Britain to the point of allowing them – indeed encouraging them – to live separate lives, apart from each other and apart from the mainstream."Speaking at a debate hosted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Cameron also:• criticised the apparent suggestion from the Archbishop of Canterbury for the extension of sharia law into the UK• claimed that "state multiculturalism" was leading to schoolgirls in Bradford disappearing from school and being forced into marriage• committed the Tories to promoting integrationCameron said that in the voluntary sector "state multiculturalism" had involved "granting financial aid for artistic and other projects purely on account of ethnic background – with various groups, purporting to represent various minorities, competing for money against each other."In public services, it meant "not just essential information, but all information, endlessly translated into numerous languages, to cater for numerous people, who can then continue to go about their daily lives without ever having to learn English."More generally, it means treating groups of people as monolithic blocks rather than individual citizens."Cameron said that his generation did not have the hang-ups of the past and that "people today don't worry that criticising multiculturalism is coded racism"."Multiculturalism was manipulated to entrench the right to difference – which is a divisive concept. What we need is the right to equal treatment despite difference."Cameron said that he had "tried in good faith" to understand what the archbishop, Rowan Williams, had meant in his recent lecture about sharia and British law.If Williams meant that different communities should have different laws, then that would be "dangerous and illiberal", the Tory leader said.The introduction of sharia law for Muslims would be "the logical endpoint of the now discredited doctrine of state multiculturalism", he said.He went on: "It would alienate other communities who would resent this preferential treatment. It would provide succour to the separatists who want to isolate and divide communities from the mainstream."And it would – crucially – weaken, destabilise and demoralise those Muslims who embrace liberal values and desperately want to integrate fully in British society."Cameron said that "state multiculturalism" led to people accepting different cultural behaviour, even if it contravened human rights."Take forced marriages. In Bradford, where I was last week, schoolgirls under the age of sixteen have simply disappeared from school. Nobody knows where they are."And, until recently, there was little investigation – despite the fact that it is likely that they may have been drugged, imprisoned, kidnapped and forced into an unwanted marriage on the other side of the world."Cameron said that over the coming months he would be unveiling policies designed to "oppose the forces of separation in favour of community".One idea was for children to have more school exchanges, so they could meet children from different backgrounds.
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