The British prime minister, "encourages the separation of passive tolerance. The state imposes its liberal principles "
remarks to the conference SAFETY OF MONACO
Cameron: Multiculturalism has failed
The British prime minister, "encourages the separation of passive tolerance. The state imposes its liberal principles "
Cameron Merkel and Security Conference in Monaco (EPA / ANSA)
LONDON - Multiculturalism? And 'failed. The ruling is the British prime minister, David Cameron. And is expected to raise more of a controversy and more of a reflection on the integration of models with which the whole of Europe, not only Great Britain, addressed the issue of immigration and integration. With specific reference to Islam and a situation in which what is happening in the Middle East poses new and additional risks.
common value for all the Cameron-Second '"state multiculturalism" has failed and has left young Muslims vulnerable to radicalism, said the British prime minister in the intervention to the security conference in Monaco of Bavaria. "It's time to turn the page on the failed policies of the country. First, instead of ignoring this extremist ideology, we must face it, in all its forms. " And again: "Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we encourage different cultures to live separate lives, detached from each other and Mainline. We were unable to provide a vision of society, to which I feel I want to belong. All this allows some young Muslims feel uprooted. " For Cameron it is time to put aside the "passive tolerance" of the United Kingdom with a "liberal active muscle," to convey the message that life in Britain revolves around certain key values \u200b\u200bsuch as freedom of speech, the 'equality of rights and the rule of law. "A tolerant society passively remain neutral between different values. A country really does a lot more liberal. It believes in certain values \u200b\u200band actively promotes them (Ansa source)
David Cameron: 'People today don't worry that criticising multiculturalism is coded racism.' Photograph: Lewis Whyld/PA David Cameron today launched a fierce attack on what he called "state multiculturalism", claiming that it undermined community relations."State multiculturalism is a wrong-headed doctrine that has had disastrous results. It has fostered difference between communities," the Conservative leader said in a speech."And it has stopped us from strengthening our collective identity. Indeed, it has deliberately weakened it."Cameron defined "state multiculturalism" as "the idea that we should respect different cultures within Britain to the point of allowing them – indeed encouraging them – to live separate lives, apart from each other and apart from the mainstream."Speaking at a debate hosted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, Cameron also:• criticised the apparent suggestion from the Archbishop of Canterbury for the extension of sharia law into the UK• claimed that "state multiculturalism" was leading to schoolgirls in Bradford disappearing from school and being forced into marriage• committed the Tories to promoting integrationCameron said that in the voluntary sector "state multiculturalism" had involved "granting financial aid for artistic and other projects purely on account of ethnic background – with various groups, purporting to represent various minorities, competing for money against each other."In public services, it meant "not just essential information, but all information, endlessly translated into numerous languages, to cater for numerous people, who can then continue to go about their daily lives without ever having to learn English."More generally, it means treating groups of people as monolithic blocks rather than individual citizens."Cameron said that his generation did not have the hang-ups of the past and that "people today don't worry that criticising multiculturalism is coded racism"."Multiculturalism was manipulated to entrench the right to difference – which is a divisive concept. What we need is the right to equal treatment despite difference."Cameron said that he had "tried in good faith" to understand what the archbishop, Rowan Williams, had meant in his recent lecture about sharia and British law.If Williams meant that different communities should have different laws, then that would be "dangerous and illiberal", the Tory leader said.The introduction of sharia law for Muslims would be "the logical endpoint of the now discredited doctrine of state multiculturalism", he said.He went on: "It would alienate other communities who would resent this preferential treatment. It would provide succour to the separatists who want to isolate and divide communities from the mainstream."And it would – crucially – weaken, destabilise and demoralise those Muslims who embrace liberal values and desperately want to integrate fully in British society."Cameron said that "state multiculturalism" led to people accepting different cultural behaviour, even if it contravened human rights."Take forced marriages. In Bradford, where I was last week, schoolgirls under the age of sixteen have simply disappeared from school. Nobody knows where they are."And, until recently, there was little investigation – despite the fact that it is likely that they may have been drugged, imprisoned, kidnapped and forced into an unwanted marriage on the other side of the world."Cameron said that over the coming months he would be unveiling policies designed to "oppose the forces of separation in favour of community".One idea was for children to have more school exchanges, so they could meet children from different backgrounds.
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