On Sunday: Greek-Katundi
An invitation to visit Irpinia from a pretty exotic island alloglot Albanian, unique in our region of Campania. A lively and hospitable city, also famous for being the balcony of Apulia, on horseback Valley Masco and the range of Bovino.
A historic center of the most enviable, with its lush villa-municipal BREGGIA, doce you can admire the beautiful sunsets in the dormant Taburno that has remade the look. BREGGIA From "Bregu, '" the mountain, where you can admire the surrounding landscape that overlooks Savignano, the background level of Camporeale, the scrum is the Valle del Vallo di Bovino. This villa is the meeting point for clean air, nearing completion of renovation works, with stone paths, a small fountain and decorous, the highest point you can admire the country of Greece.
E 'intriguing venture for its narrow streets, palaces, the palace Lusi town hall, attractive and interesting example restoration and recovery of municipal assets. After decades of restoration work is finally taking on the traits of a good standard tourist center. This should be a commitment on administrative municipal administrations and the current course (Matthew Martino, Donald Martino di Bartolomeo and Nicola Zoccano, it recently established). Once the planning phase of restoration of the country with a thousand faces and typical arbresh Albanian language version, with the completion of place-names, can rise to pole attraction of this unique linguistic island, which includes the towns of Celle and Franco-Provençal Fetus (Fg).
were discovered with striking angles an explosion of flowers from the balconies, the course Skanderbeg, Via Roma, Via Pietro Paolo Parzanese already, the birthplace of D. Gerardo Conforti, theologian and historian grecesi first, the birthplace of the patriot D. Giovanni De Majo ... for those who have good legs can not miss walking along the national Faeto or make a detour on Mount Calvary, where there are sports facilities and the wind farm. From the top of Mount Calvary ogde a splendid panorama.
Greeks The Pro Loco offers guides and some publications that tourists can not buy.
The month of August with its tourist and cultural offer of August grecesi along with the traditional festivals and fairs, the reserve for 24 and August 25 the drama of traditional representation of the sacred drama of S. Apostle Bartholomew, Abbot Luigi Lauda work not to be missed. The actors are all Greeks and vying for the success of the tragic drama of opera. The sets, the costumes are always the company of Maurice Iannino Lapine, who for three generations to ensure his presence.
For contacts and information:
Pro-loco: prolocoarbereshe@greci.org
pro-loco arbereshe
And 'round of the topical centuries Caroseno of devotion to Our Lady, venerated in the parish church, located in the guise of a hen, the maximum on the height of the country, as if to protect the faith and to indicate the heights of heaven and progress of society and culture. The mother church planting eighteenth-century cottage, with a single aisle, with the impressive altar in polychrome marble of the eighteenth century, looking forward to the return the famous painting of Our Lady of the Angels in the saints, the work of the school of Guido Reni.
The Statue and the Church of Caroseno, declared a national monument to the antiquity of the cult in 1901. After a remarkable restoration has returned to its former glory.
Just to document the great devotion to Our Lady of grecesi gentle reminders from the East, what remains of the frescoes in its original church located at the beginning of the country, today is anonymous and not a new building completed , it gives voice to Archbishop Angelo Acocella , (1866-1966) priest, Calitri polished speaker and dean of Andretta, and director of the Catholic newspaper "The People's Journal, an organ of Avellino, who asked to weave the panegyric to the feast of Our Lady of Caroseno, wanted to commemorate and perpetuate an event in the history repeating itself to a lesser extent every year.
Greece is a country of our province, located in Aprica, charming location, a knight of a lush mountain culture, along the railway line Benevento-Foggia.
From station is accessed via a large stock and a one-hour climb was slow in the country.
The people of the Greeks, descendants of non-degenerate ' Albanian ancient and strong race, a people full of education and urbanity; all people wise, intelligent, hardworking and, above all foreigners with the correct maximum. The hospitality there is steady as a religion hereditary. The country is clean, clean to the highest degree because they are the people who, if they speak to each other usually in the difficult Albanian dialect, they speak well, and everyone, from the gentleman the farmer, in pretto Italian idiom.
To Greeks, there are distinct families of real gentlemen, good professionals, good workers, honest traders and farmers struggled to goodwill.
There may be some insignificant differences of views on policy and administration, but, basically, everyone is an agreement and they love each other.
To say short, Greece is considered as one of so few whiteflies in class many countries of this world, because they live there safely, honorably and also because the times have changed anything new or maimed in the field of religion.
citizenship of fervent believer Greeks kept inviolate and inviolable, and the piety of his ancestors. We believe, and I want to prove it, go to the Church, and I know we feel, are good Catholics, and fulfilling their duties without fear and without shame.
protector of the village is St. Bartholomew, but the strings, the earliest of the heart beat of grecesi vibratamente for Our Lady of Caroseno. This Madonna is the glory ever for Greeks. What affectionate worship, that enthusiasm of devotion!
Our Lady of Caroseno, the work of Greek structure, is a beautiful statue, of magnitude natural, which the author had to portray in that age girl, which took place in her chaste bosom of the miracle of the Incarnation of the Word, and here, perhaps, its beautiful Caroseno title.
entrance of the village, left hand, there is a beautiful church, a national monument, where the Madonna is venerated venerated Caroseno and say, as in all year grecesi never let it empty, the church.
The festival falls Caroseno, ordinarily, the beginning of June, and it is a feast, magnificent, imponentissima. This year I had the pleasure to enjoy it, this festival, hosted gently into the house, of that prolific and zealous priest, which is D. Francesco Lauda, \u200b\u200band the impression which I have stated, was the most like. Also the valiant band of Roseto, a nice the lighting, the impressive religious services, the beautiful procession, and many artists, there are fireworks and, in the opinion of competent, satisfying the sacred orator.
The party had a ' great success, but many of grecesi were absent, so went in for the work of Puglia, harvest. Here are the 26 current fibula, finding they had already returned to the country, will be another festival in honor of Our Lady of Caroseno.
It will, I am sure, a second edition of spontaneous popular enthusiasm .
(1) Mons, Angelo Acocella, Our Lady of the Greeks to Garoseno IN
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