by Ermanno Tedeschi Gallery
will continue until January 30, 2009 , the new staff Venetian artist Tobia Rava entitled Entropy & synchronicities , staged by Ermanno Tedeschi Gallery Milan.
exhibition space Milanese Via Santa Marta 15 , Tobia Rava has placed his most recent works, acrylic on canvas of various sizes and resin sculptures, depicting architecture and impressive views, woods, forests and animals, complicated watches and mechanical construction, all characterized, as always, the presence of numbers and letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which then condense in the forms in place of spot colors and designed with great clarity and precision, giving rise to multiple shades of color.
The artist combines his work in the literal language of logic and mathematics, giving rise to third figurative language, author of a reconstruction and representation of "art" of the mystery of the universe, derived from Jewish mysticism to the effect that the Essence of Divine, before the creation, provide for the Hebrew alphabet as a "project" of a world not yet exist.
The works produced by Tobia Rava, consisting of shapes, colors, letters and numbers and symbols that reveal quell'intrico endless lies, anyway, over every aspect of reality and, as written by Maria Luisa Trevisan in the critical text, show the absolute value of memory Historical towards the future. The very title of the exhibition refers to the synchronic thinking of the Jewish tradition, whereby the past, through memory, lives in a fascinating mix this time, the artist not only receives, but can transform into images.
In the paintings, the arrangement of the letters are almost never random, but you will find meaningful sequences of words and figures that offer a true "reading" a work of art, and the message it contained.
The exhibition is accompanied by a beautiful catalog in which the texts of Amos Luzzatto, a Nadine Shenkar of Maria Luisa Trevisan and Arturo Schwarz will introduce us to the mysteries of gematria, the Jewish discipline that links the letters to their numeric value.
Born in Padua, an expert on Jewish culture and mathematical logic, Tobia Rava has a degree in semiotics of the arts in Bologna, where he studied under Umberto Eco, Renato Barilli, Omar Calabrese and Flavio Caroli. He has exhibited in Europe and America, and his works are found all over the world, public and private collections.
Ermanno Tedeschi Gallery Milano - Via Santa Marta 15 (San Maurilio) - Milan
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