Infinitely long, the length of eternity
the top of Phura-Ri was hiding
between ice clouds, including plumes of crystal
in the last agonizing hours ascension seemed
even that you portray in front of us, when
finalment showed almost mocking
a dome gleaming in the sun low in the afternoon,
ever more distant
shone through the clouds for
time for some painful breaths
and immediately disappeared,
front of each of our steps retreated
to the increasingly dark blue of the sky, then in black
menacing universe that began to fall on us
through torn curtains of ice.
And when at last the whole sky was torn
and lit and darkened,
except that monstrous tower of clouds to the north-west,
more if we knew not, raising or lowering his eyes,
saw flickering light sources,
star-like, just exploded, because up there, so high,
height and depth
became a single, indistinguishable thing.
and stare at each other
stared and stared at the height and depth
and breathing hard, panting, gasping,
felt like the snowy ground
gave way beneath our feet
and then began to slowly sloping
and again become increasingly steep:
we had reached the summit.
The horrors of the ice and darkness , the first novel by Christoph Ransmayer , ethnologist and philosopher, and unconsciously, poet, one of the most interesting signatures in the region of literature of our time, in 1984, and marks the beginning of his collaboration with Hans Magnus Enzensberger , from which he was called just after this publication.
And working with him in drafting the volume Das Wasserzeichen der Poesie, began his passion for the poet Ovid , whose exile he dedicated his most famous novel to date, The extreme world. Chistophe Ransmayer has won several awards, including, in 2007, of 'Heinrich Boll Preis.
His writing is poetic and introspective, full of complex psychological and evocative symbols, the haughty and dominating presence of the mountains in his work takes on a dimension of great sanctity, separate upper and inaccessible.
By choice of the author, the text of the book is presented in the typeface of the flag on the left, a purely aesthetic, he reminds us, is not reserved exclusively to poetry and anyone who can use them. But unwittingly, this graphic makes the reader follow a sort of rhythm lyric inner, taking pictures and details in the prose that sometimes go unnoticed, turning the narrative into a poem and accentuating the drama and pathos.
background of the novel, the mountains of Tibet, the world beautiful and terrible, ice rock and reaching out to the incredible blue sky. A place unimaginable and charming, attractive and dangerous, the people, nomads austere and wise, they look with fear and trembling, aware of un'inviolabilità fatal when transgressed.
But what is the irresistible force that leads the two protagonists, the narrator and his brother Liam , one a driver who has spent his life in the heart of the ships and the other a computer scientist who builds layouts and digital Irish lives as a hermit on an island, communicating with the outside world via email? If you are Liam
first, the experienced climber of the cliffs of Ireland to take flight to Tibet bringing with him the brother, who prefers the quiet to climbing reckless love of Nyemo tent, the young mother back from the Chinese persecution of Tibet that took away her husband, then we will see a reversal of roles, where his brother Liam is the most determined not want nell'audace desist and reckless decision to conquer the summit of Mountain Flying, seen for the first time long ago, in a rainy night, Liam turned on the monitor in the dark of Ireland.
parties despite the warnings, stopped for two days by a sudden storm and the discomfort of his brother Liam, in their eyes the top of the mysterious Phura -Ri, Mountain Flying, as it had been Moby Dick for the sailors of whaling Melville, will become a challenge impossible, so indispensable as lethal. Because the mountain is alive, free and immortal, and it may happen that take flight, disappearing from view and rising in the sky ... then return, perhaps in a timely manner.
A story that has some fantastic places and people as they are all real solid, and those who can touch the most intense, and mysterious, life, love, nostalgia, finding themselves, and death.
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