(Harcourt Books)
I Was not one of the six million who died in the Shoah,
I Was not Even Among the survivors.
And I Was not one of the six hundred thousand who Went out or Egypt.
I like to Promise Land by sea.
Yehuda Amichai is a leading Israeli poets, and is considered by many the founder of modern Israeli poetry, different from the traditional Hebrew poetry of the twentieth century less emphasis on literary, the colloquial language and clear references to the problems of life daily.
With the original name of Ludwig Pfeuffer , Yehuda Amichai was born in Germany to parents Orthodox Jews fleeing Nazi Europe in 1936 with his family, migrating into Palestine Jewish lives and leading to the dramatic events of the century that marked the history of the Jewish people. During World War II he enlisted in the Jewish Brigade, and after its dissolution he joined the Palmach. Fighting in the Negev for the war of Independence in 1948, and participates as a result of other conflicts that occurred after the founding of Israel. Despite his strong patriotism, is a staunch supporter of peace, and after his studies began his career as a literary and poetic, often working with Palestinian authorities.
His first collection of poems, Achshav Uve-Yamim HaAharim , published in 1955, it immediately gets the attention of audiences and critics. When the poet and writer Ted Hughes knows his work contributes to the English translation along with Assia Gutmann and spreads in the Western world.
Yehuda Amichai in Hebrew has published two novels, numerous short stories, and eleven collections of poetry, translated into over thirty languages. Much of his poetic works available in English or bilingual text, in Italian I think there is only volume published by Crocetti Poems with an introduction by Ted Hughes, and some lyrics are included in the anthologies Poets Israelis Einaudi and Strong as death is the love of Solomon Belforte .
Yehuda Amichai died in Jerusalem in 2000, where he always lived.
Talk the work of a poet is almost impossible, the right way is to read his verses, preferably in the original writing. But also versions in English and Italian will give you the thrill and magic of the thoughts of a great artist.
In his poems of Yehuda Amichai show through its history, its origins and its land. Love and war meet and mingle with delicate and nostalgic irony, against the backdrop of a beautiful and always loved Jerusalem. Often, showing images of violence and conflict, as in the Israeli reality, and the flags of battle and technology, in the belief that poetry must reflect the truth.
Her poetry is direct and engaging, able to provoke strong feelings and conflicting, to transmit joy and sorrow, despair and enthusiasm, passion and melancholy.
Open Closed Open, never translated into Italian, is the latest collection of poems published before the death of Yehuda Amichai, and represents the will of a great contemporary poet, where he wanted to enclose the immense beauty and deep value of life and the undeniable power of love.
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